Trinity Sunday saw a member of our Youth Group make his first holy communion with his sister. And what a pleasure to hear our youth sing during the Mass for Ben and Maddy. As you can tell by the photo it was an amazingly happy occasion for one and all.
The youth raised £85.97 offering minced pies and mulled wine at Holy Angels ast Saturday, 7th December – all of us would like to say a BIG THANK YOU.
Our Youth Group singing at the Farnham Churches Together Songs of Praise which took place on Sunday 26th January, 2014 at Holy Family Church
Our very brave youth group sang for churches together in Farnham at a Songs on Praise event on Sunday 26th January 2014. Brave because they had only learnt Sing A Simple Song Unto the Lord two weeks previously and sang unaccompanied. Well done our youth group our parishes should be proud of you all.
What our young people said just before they sang their song:-
“Thank you for taking the time to listen to us today. We will be singing ‘Sing a Simple Song’ as we believe that faith shouldn’t have to be complicated and that God will appreciate our worship, no matter how big or small. We hope you like it!”
Relaxing after their song over a nice cup of tea!
CONFIRMATIONS – 25th May, 2013
Below are a few nice pictures of the Confirmation Party which was held at Holy Angels recently. Thankfully the weather was kind on the day and the sun shone and everyone had a wonderful time. Our young people wished to express their appreciate to Gordon and Kate Veith who very kindly provided the Bouncy Castle on the day. I am sure our young people would also like to express their thanks for all the love and support they have received in their spiritual preparation for their Confirmation from Gloria Benson, Lorraine Brown, Hilary Gray and Deacon John.

Our Youth Retreat – 15th – 17th March, 2013
The weather indeed was awful but the time we did decide to pop out into the town it stayed dry. The house was amazing and big enough for 11 young people to play hide and seek. When not in sessions or playing hide and seek the longest hiding individual managed 45 minutes. The piano and singing was the focal point and what a pleasure to see such talent.
The retreat was at Geo House in Ashurst in the New Forest and is a retreat house belonging to the Montfort Missionaries. Fr Des was great and accommodated us all for reconciliation in his busy schedule. The parishioners prepared a meal for us before leaving on Sunday – all in all a wonderful weekend with catechists and candidates.
(below are a few pictures of our Youth enjoying their Retreat)
Holy Angels Church, Ash – 2012
Below are a couple of lovely photos of our Youth Group who once again helped erect and decorate our Christmas Tree at Holy Angels.

We would like to thank our Youth for their help in decorating the Tree which looked lovely and also for decorating the Tree with Stars upon which Parishioners were invited to write the name of a loved one who had died and each star was then placed on the Christmas Tree in memory of them at Christmas Time.
Youth Mass at Holy Family on the 13th January, 2013 followed with a cake sale to raise funds for the Youth Retreat.
Thanks to all of you who came to the youth mass, it all went so smoothly thanks to you guys. As for the cake sale. WOW!!! We made £162 towards the retreat, with an extra £10 donated by a very generous parishioner from Holy Angels.
Saturday 9th Feb Parish Games Afternoon at Holy Family.
Our youth group held a games afternoon on Saturday 9th Feb at Holy Family church hall. 19 of our youth turned out to set up traditional games and also more modern electronic games. Cards, giant connect 4, scrabble and craft and colouring for the younger children. Although you will see from the photos that adults also liked the colouring and craft tables.
The purpose of the afternoon was to host the games bringing together our young people with parishioners in a fun environment. 61 people joined in the fun afternoon. Another purpose to the afternoon was to fundraise for the youth’s chosen charities: Step by Step in Aldershot and Hope for Uganda in Uganda of course.
The games afternoon finished with fish n chip supper and brownies and other cakes donated by mums for dessert along with one last fund raiser game of ‘heads n tails’ and not forgetting the raffle where it seemed most of the youth were responsible for picking out the tickets. The afternoon raised £200 all due the hard work of our young people and those who joined in the fun. Special thanks to a couple of Dads that worked hard behind the scenes especially Paul the fish n chip runner.
Gloria Benson and Hilary Gray, Youth co-ordinators

Trip to Uganda 2012
Below is a picture of the Youth who went to Uganda. Two of our Parishioners went fro Holy Angels Church and Holy Family, Sammy (HF) and Graham (HA)