
Holy Angels Newsletter 26th August 2012

Sun   26 Aug 9.15am11.00am5.30pm HFHAHA  21st Sunday of the Year John Rutland (RIP)Visiting Sisters of MercySpecial Intentions of the people of the Parish
Mon  27 Aug     NO MASS  
Tue   28 Aug 9.30am HF Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion (Deacon John)  
Wed  29 Aug 9.30am HA Mem: The beheading of St. John the Baptist Special Intentions of Father David
Thu   30 Aug 7.30pm HF NO SERVICE  
Fri    31 Aug 12.00pm HA Weekday Special Intentions of Father Paul
Sun     2 Sep 9.15am11.00am 5.30pm HFHAHA  22nd Sunday of the Year Special Intentions of Father PaulSpecial Intentions of Father PaulSpecial Intentions for the people of the Parish












 Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) at HA’s, Ash:  First Friday of the month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass

HF, Farnham: First Thursday of the month after 7.30pm Evening Mass

(Special services with Confession at both churches for Advent and Lent.)

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament each Wednesday at Holy Family at 7.00pm (in the Church Hall)

[Please note:  HF = Holy Family Church, Heath End, Farnham  HA = Holy Angels Church, Ash]

[Holy Angels Church is open every day to Visitors and for Private prayer 9am – 1pm][Parish Office 9.00am – 1.30pm]


21st Sunday of Year B
Celebrant: Father Paul Dzwig

Entrance Hymn:  HA:  846           HF: 500 Amazing Grace
Offertory:           HA:  603           HF: 90
Blest are you Lord
Final Hymn:        HA:  722          HF:  383 Lord, Jesus Christ


PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) at Holy Family on Thursday, 6th September and No Confessions at Holy Family on Friday, 7th September.  Normal Confessions times will resume in October.

[During the summer holiday season there will only be hymns at the 9.15am and 11am Mass



Sunday 2nd September  2012 – Holy Angels Church 5.30pm Mass


The Friary Singers and guest organist James Berry will be leading the congregation in the singing of the mass.
(for more details of the Hymns being sung,  please go to our Holy Angels website under the choir link)


Wed: 12th September at Holy Angels from 7.45 – 9.30pm  [Please contact Deacon John on 01252 405453 or email]


Prayer Requests

Please continue to pray for: Jean Wise, Jane Brown, Liam Kavanagh, Len Turner, and Kirsten Hobbs, Barbara O’Brien and Gladys Maheady


Holy Family Church Catholic Parish for Heath End Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

Summer Fete – Anglican combined Parish of Hale with Badshot Lea Summer Fete Saturday 1st September.

You are invited to the Annual Summer Fete at the Rectory; 25, Upper Hale road (adjacent toOast House Crescent) on Saturday 1st September 12:00 – 4:00 pm


CHURCH CLEANING – Please Can you spare an hour every six weeks to help keep our church clean?  If you can help or want more details please ring Mary Norton on 714990.    Thank You

Holy Angels Church Catholic Parish for Ash, Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Children’s Liturgy Group  – Sincere thanks to a couple of the ladies who have very kindly agreed to help out with our Children’s Liturgy which will be of tremendous help to us, although we would still welcome anyone else who might be able to offer some of their time.

If you would like to become a catechist, or a helper then please contact Rebecca Newey.  T: 01252 322847 
 M: 07854 231469 


Baby & Toddler Group –meet every Tuesday from 10.30am – 12.00pm in St. Mary’s room, Holy Angels.


Altar Servers – If you have made your 1st Holy Communion and would like to be an altar server (including older people) please let Deacon John know and an initial training morning will be arranged.


Ugandan Presentation:  Gloria, Sam and Grahame would like to thank all the parishioners for their support and prayers for the Mission to Uganda.They would like to share some of their experiences with you.  Sam will be holding a Presentation on Sunday 16th September after the 9:15 Mass, and they all will be holding a presentation after 11:00 Mass  with teas and cupcakes.

Please continue to keep the Project Team in your prayers and pray that they keep well and have a safe journey back home to their loved ones.


Confirmation Programme 2012/2013

Confirmation Application Forms are available at the back of both Churches TODAY and over the next 4 weeks to allow for those on summer holiday. Candidates under 18 will need the form signed by their parents. Applicants need to be 13 or over before Easter next Year.

Am I ready for Confirmation?

Before you make your decision you will need to read a copy of the magazine ‘MY CONFIRMATION’ (Catholic Edition) available from Redemptorist Publications, Chawton, Alton, Hants, GU34 3HQ (Tel: 01420 83255)

(Please return the completed forms to our Parish Office.  Thank you).


First Holy Communion Programme  2012/2013

Please note that your child must be in Year 3 or above to be considered for the programme.

Application Forms for the First Holy Communion Programme 2012/2013 are available at the back of both Holy Angels andHolyFamilyChurches. 

As a family you are requested to be registered with the Parish. Please read the form carefully before deciding whether your child fits the criteria above and return the completed form to the Parish Office as soon as possible.

Dates for your Diary

Holy Angels and Holy Family Prayer Group 4th September, 2nd October and the 6th November held in the Parish Office at Holy Angels.  Coffee at 7.30pm for 7.45pm start

Arundel & Brighton Lourdes Fund for the Sick

It is my intention to do another Skydive on the 22nd September (PM) Weather permitting.  To help this worthy cause – PLEASE MAY I ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT? Thank you       Nancy Sackwood.


Help for families in Syria during the War


Please note the revised date:

SATURDAY, 17th November at 7.30pm. at Holy Angels Church.

Cheese and wine Reception.  Book it in your diary now and tell your neighbours and friends.

Father David’s News

At Holy Angels, Ash AGM the suitability of the present weekend Mass Time was discussed.  Two people asked if we could have a vote on the Mass Times.  I am aware that the change from Saturday evening Mass to Sunday evening (which took place before I came) caused a number of people difficulties.  I do not want to cause anyone any inconvenience.  However, as the Diocese has (for the Year Book) asked us to confirm our present Mass Times for Next Year.  I am taking the opportunity to consult.

Please let Rita, our Parish Secretary, know by phone, email or letter if:-

A:  It would be helpful to you if the Weekend evening Mass were to be changed to Saturday

B:  If the weekend evening Mass were changed to Saturday and there was no Sunday evening Mass, it would make it difficult for you to get to Mass.

Father Paul Dzwig will be looking after the Parishes for the next two weeks supported by our Deacon Rev. John Edwards. 

God Bless you all,    Father David


Watch your thoughts, for they become words.  Watch your words, for they become actions.  Watch your actions, for they become habits.  Watch your habits, for they become character.  Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.