
Sunday 16th September, 2012 (24th Sunday of the Year)

Times of Mass and Devotions

If you are a visitor, or a newcomer, we warmly welcome you to our parishes – please introduce yourself after mass

Sun     16 Sep 9.15am11.00am 5.30pm HFHAHA  24th Sunday of the Year (FHC Children’s Mass) Pat Portrey (RIP)For the sick in the ParishSpecial Intentions of the people of the Parish
Mon   17 Sep     NO MASS  
Tue   18 Sep  9.30am HF Weekday Special Intentions of Pam Cunningham
Wed  19 Sep      9.30am HA Weekday Special Intentions of Olive Kingston-Lee
Thu   20 Sep      NO MASS  
Fri    21 Sep   12.00pm HA Feast:  St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist Humanitarian Aid Worker in Syria
Sun  23 Sep 9.15am11.00am 5.30pm HFHAHA  25th Sunday of the Year Special intention of PriestSpecial Intentions of the people of the ParishSpecial Private Intention

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) at HA’s, Ash:  First Friday of the month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass

HF, Farnham: First Thursday of the month after 7.30pm Evening Mass

(Special services with Confession at both churches for Advent and Lent.)

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament each Wednesday at Holy Family at 7.00pm (in the Church Hall)

[Please note:  HF = Holy Family Church, Heath End, Farnham  HA = Holy Angels Church, Ash]

[Holy Angels Church is open every day to Visitors and for Private prayer 9am – 1pm]          [Parish Office 9.00am – 1.30pm]

Second Collection

Today is Home Mission Sunday, a day of prayer for the Evangelisation of England and Wales and a Second Collection will be made.


24th Sunday of Year B
Celebrant: Father David Buckley
Theme:  We celebrate the humanity of Christ

Entrance Hymn:  HA: 325      HF:  110 Christ is our King – verses 1,2,3 & 4 only)
Offertory:  HA:  749    HF: 187 From heaven you came ..
Final Hymn:  HA:  721   HF:  568 O Lord my God..

Welcome back to Father David who we hope is spiritually and physically refreshed after his holiday.


Churches Together Afternoon Teas: TODAY at Holy Angels Church from 3pm-4.30pm

Diocesan Jubilee Preparations:

Please read the information on the Diocesan Jubilee preparations and bring your return slip back next week. We need to order resources so please respond as soon as possible.

Altar Servers – If you have made your 1st Holy Communion and would like to be an altar server (including older people) please let Deacon John know and an initial training morning will be arranged.

Confirmation Programme 2012/2013

Confirmation Application Forms are available at the back of both Churches. Candidates under 18 will need the form signed by their parents. Applicants need to be 13 or over before Easter next Year.

Am I ready for Confirmation?

Before you make your decision you will need to read a copy of the magazine ‘Getting Confirmed’ (Catholic Edition)I SBN0-85231-153-2 available from Redemptorist Publications, Chawton, Alton, Hants, GU34 3HQ (Tel: 01420 83255)

(Please return the completed forms to our Parish Office.  Thank you).

Ugandan Presentation:  Gloria, Sam and Grahame would like to share some of their experiences with you.  Sam will be holding a Presentation TODAY after the 9:15 Mass at Holy Family and they all will be holding a presentation after 11:00 Mass at Holy Angels with teas and cupcakes.


19th November Holy Family
6th Feb Holy Angels

Please note: An appointment must be made with either the Priest or Deacon John prior to enrolling onto the Baptism Course.

Holy Family Church Catholic Parish for Heath End Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

 Mother and Toddler Group – Meet up every Thursday morning from 9.30am until 11.30am. 

The Toddler Group invites parishioners to join them in a fund raising coffee morning for McMillan Cancer nursing Thursday morning 27th September in the hall all are welcome. Last year over £100 was raised.

Holy Angels Church Catholic Parish for Ash, Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Children’s Liturgy

PLEASE NOTE There will be no Children’s Liturgy today due to it being the FIRST HOLY COMMUNION children’s Mass.  This will resume again next Sunday, 23rd September.

Holy Angels Art Trail

If you have a particular piece of art work that you would like to share with our community please see Father David, Father Paul or Evelyn Gorniok.

Baby & Toddler Group –meet every Tuesday from 10.30am – 12.00pm in St. Mary’s room, Holy Angels.

Dates for your Diary

Harvest Sunday – 23rd September.

Hopefully we will be able to decorate both churches for Harvest.  Farnham Foodbank (food for people in need locally) have asked if we could donate food collected for the Harvest Thanksgiving.  A list of useful items for the Foodbank is on the Notice Board.

Holy Angels and Holy Family Prayer Group 2nd October and the 6th November held in the Parish Office at Holy Angels.  Coffee at 7.30pm for 7.45pm start

Arundel & Brighton Lourdes Fund for the Sick

It is my intention to do another Skydive on the 22nd September (PM) Weather permitting.  To help this worthy cause – PLEASE MAY I ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT? Thank you       Nancy Sackwood.

Help for families in Syria during the War

Classical Guitar Concert – Saturday, 17th November at 7.30pm. at Holy Angels Church, 65 Church Road, Ash, Surrey GU12 6LU

News from Father David

Saturday Vigil – Sunday Evening Mass

As many of you know the Saturday evening Mass was changed to Sunday evening nine months before I came to Ash.  The change has been a constant point of debate and has been discussed at the Ash AGMs.  When I came I felt unable to reverse the change as it had been agreed that St. Joan’s would have the area Saturday Evening Mass and Holy Angels would change to Sunday Evening Mass for the area.  This decision proved to be unpopular with a large number of Parishioners at Holy Angels. St.Joan’s have now reintroduced a Sunday Evening Mass and so we are free to choose whatever suits us best.  The recent consultation process has shown that two people would like the Sunday Evening Mass and everyone else who has responded would prefer the Saturday Vigil Mass even though they currently attend the Sunday Evening Mass.  Several people have also mentioned that, as they do not drive, (there is a bus service on Saturday which is far better than the infrequent bus service on a Sunday) and they are dependent on public transport.  We have therefore decided that in the new year we will change the Sunday Evening Mass to 5.30pm on Saturday.  Many thanks to all who have taken part in the consultation.  Holy Communion will be available on request on Sunday evening for anyone who is working Saturday Evening – Sunday Morning and cannot get toMass.

While I have been away the walls of the church have been cleaned and the very badly stained walls – mainly the gables where water penetration and condensation had caused damaged have been repainted.  This work was the initiative of Paul Tremlett and has been made possible through a generous donation which contributed significantly towards the work.  The work was undertaken by Mr. Richard Beard a local painter and decorator.  If you would like his telephone number it is available from Rita in the Parish Office.

I would like to thank especially Rita, Deacon John, Father Paul and Father Ken McCarthy for taking on extra responsibilities while I have been away – it was good to know that the parish was in good, safe and caring hands while I was away.

A painting can be like a window into the Soul of the Painter.  A painter reveals part of him or herself in their painting.  The painting on display this week on the right hand side of the Altar at Holy Angels is the Last Supper by David O’Connell (1895-1976) who lived in our Diocese atChichesterand served in the trenches during World War 1.

What does the painting say to you?