
7th October, 2012 (27th Sunday of the Year)

Times of Mass and Devotions

If you are a visitor, or a newcomer, we warmly welcome you to our parishes – please introduce yourself after mass
Sun   7 Oct  9.15am11.00am




 27th Sunday of the Year
Baptism of Charlotte Hendry
Special Intentions of the people of the ParishMatilda Roberts (RIP)

Holy Souls List

Mon   8 Oct     NO MASS  
Tue    9 Oct  9.30am HF Weekday  
Wed  10 Oct     9.30am HA Weekday Charles Bodenham (RIP)
Thu   11 Oct  7.30pm HF Weekday  
Fri     12 Oct  12.00pm HA Mem: St. Wilfrid, Bishop Vocations to the Priesthood
Sun   14 Oct 9.15am11.00am




 28th Sunday of the Year (1st HC Children’s Mass)  Private Intentions and Thanksgiving

Special Intentions of the people of the Parish

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) at HA’s, Ash:  First Friday of the month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass

HF, Farnham: First Thursday of the month after 7.30pm Evening Mass

(Special services with Confession at both churches for Advent and Lent)

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament each Wednesday at Holy Family at 7.00pm (in the Church Hall)

[Please note:  HF = Holy Family Church, Heath End, Farnham  HA = Holy Angels Church, Ash]

Holy Angels Church is open every day to Visitors and for Private prayer 9am–1pm  [Parish Office 9.00am – 1.30pm]
























Second Collection

TODAY is CAFOD Fast Day (Gift Aid if using envelope supplied by the charity)


27th Sunday of the Year B.

Entrance Hymn:  HA:  315   HF:  351 Lead us heavenly Father
Offertory:  HA:   772   HF:  383 Lord Jesus Christ
Final Hymn:  HA:  770   HF:  388 Lord the light-Shine Jesus shine.



On Saturday the 5th January 2013 the Saturday Evening 5.30pm Mass will be re-introduced.  The Sunday Evening Mass will be discontinued from 5th January, 2013.  (For anyone who is working and unable to get to a Mass on Saturday Evening, Holy Communion will be available if requested beforehand at 5.30pm on Sunday evenings from 6th January 2013

Please Note:  The Parish Office will be closed from Friday, 5th – 11th October and emails will not be responded to during this time. (For emergencies please contact Father David by phone at the Presbytery, or Deacon John Edwards) Thank you.

Altar Servers – Now that you have made your First Holy Communion, you are eligible to become altar servers.  This ministry is a wonderful way to get involved with your parish and to serve Jesus at His table.   Please speak to Father David, Deacon John or Gloria Benson at Holy Angels and Peter Davis at Holy Family

Confirmation Programme 2012/2013

Details of the Parents and Candidates Meetings will follow shortly.


If you wish to have your child baptised you will need to see the Priest or the Deacon after Mass and make an appointment with him to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s Baptism and when the next Baptism Course will be and he will book a place on the course for you.


Holy Family Church Catholic Parish for Heath End Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

 Pathway Consultation:

Thank you to all who took part in the consultation.  The results were 10 for new concrete paving slabs, 19 for School quality tarmac.  There were also 10 phone votes by people who could not find the voting slips. (We printed 100 and they mysteriously disappeared). 8 of the phone votes were for Tarmac and 2 for slabs, making a total of 27 for Tarmac and 12 for concrete slabs.  We have discussed the result and decided on the judgement of Solomon – that the gathering area immediately in front of the front door of the church and the hall door have a paved standing area and the remaining pathways are tarmac.  This seems an ideal solution which meets both points of view and will be considerably more economical.


Holy Angels Church Catholic Parish for Ash, Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Children’s Liturgy:  In the gospel reading this week, Jesus’s disciples are annoyed when children come up to Jesus as he preaches to them.   However, Jesus tells them not to stop the children and instead welcomes them.   In Children’s Liturgy will thank Jesus for loving the children in the story and continuing to love us all today.

Thank you to all those who made cakes or donated wine for our Parish Celebration of the Feast of Holy Angels last Sunday. A great time was had by all.  (We would, however,  still appreciate help with serving coffee on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month)


Dates for your Diary

Help for families in Syria during the War:

Classical Guitar Concert – Saturday, 17th November at 7.30pm at Holy Angels Church, 65 Church Road, Ash, Surrey GU12 6LU (Tickets are now available)

Ashes Good Neighbour’s scheme:

The Ash Good Neighbour Scheme is now ready to launch.

We are a group of volunteers who wish to offer our time to assist residents in Ash and Ash Vale who have difficulty with transport to the Doctors or the hospital and shopping or we could pop in for a cup of tea and a chat.

Through the success of our last three coffee mornings and with the generous support of Vale Furnishers, we are now able to launch our scheme in early November. We will be distributing information about the scheme throughout Ash and Ash Vale soon.

 If you are interested in finding out more about us or know someone who could benefit from our assistance     

Please telephone 07790 457632.


Advent Lunch – Holy Family:

Friday 26th Oct. 12.30pm
Lovely warming soup for the winter and rolls and cheese
Proceeds towards J&P fund – to be decided, but possibly Cafod.
Do come along – all welcome from both parishes
Also, buy your Christmas cards early as lots for sale from Fairtrade sources

International Suppers: 

We are holding International Suppers with the first one being held at Holy Angels on Friday, 7th December 2012 which will be an African Evening starting at 7.30pm for 8.00pm. The meal will be presented by Sophie & George Terzis.  The cost will be only £3 per head payable when booking and we will cater for up to 12 people on the evening which will be on a first come first serve basis.  After the Menu has been published in the Newsletter (If you are interested please kindly let Rita in the Parish Office know)

Community Christmas Carol Service in aid of Humanitarian Aid for Syria

On Saturday, 22nd December at 5.30pm Hand Bells and organ, mince pies and mulled wine. Promises to be a very enjoyable event.  (all are welcome)

Holy Angels and Holy Family Prayer Group 6th November held in the Parish Office at Holy Angels.  Coffee at 7.30pm for 7.45pm start

Preparation for the Diocesan Jubilee: The study period is due to commence w/c 8th October please let us know if you intend to attend a study groups. We need to order study books and materials


Father David’s News

Ash Art for October

The painting on display for this month reminds us that in October we celebrate the feast of our Guardian Angels.

The artist of the unusual painting of a kneeling angel with hands uplifted in prayer to heaven brings home to us the symbolism of Angels as heavenly messengers between God and us.  We do not have the name of the artist but we are advised that it is of the style of several paintings from the 19th Century by artists inHolland and that it may have been a sample illustration for a much larger wall painting in a church.

What does the painting say to you?

Temporary Re-arrangement of Front Seating at Holy Angels:  This Saturday two of our Parishioners were married, Eileen and Ross.  They had a number of guests in wheelchairs so the seating had to be re-arranged.  The arrangement proved very popular with the guests and a number of our parishioners and some thought that it would be helpful for the forthcoming Guitar Concert and Christmas events.  Rather than moving the chairs continuously for the special events that occur at this time it has also been suggested that we might try living with it for a couple of Sundays temporarily and see how it works for Mass.  Please feel free to sit at the side or wherever you like.  Some parents during the week have said it is now easier with children to get out of the shortened front benches. Also the lady responsible for cleaning has said that it will be so much easier for cleaning the church.

God Bless you all,       Father David.