
25th November 2012 (Feast of Christ the King)

HOLY ANGELS CHURCH is open Monday – Friday
9am – 1.00pm
For Visits and Prayer.




Times of Mass and Devotions

Sun 25 Nov 9.15am HF  National Youth Sunday November Holy Souls List
  11.00pm HA Christ, The Universal King November Holy Souls List
   5.30pm HA   Father Stan Burt (RIP)
Mon 26 Nov     NO MASS    
Tue 27 Nov  9.30am HF Weekday November Holy Souls List
Wed 28 Nov 9.30am HA Weekday November Holy Souls List
Thu 29 Nov    7.30pm HF Weekday November Holy Souls List
Fri    30 Nov   12.00pm HA Feast:  St. Andrews, Apostle, Patron of Scotland November Holy Souls List
Sun    2 Dec   9.15am  HF   Sp. Intentions of the people of the Parish
   11.00am  HA First Sunday of Advent Anna & Angelo Vella (RIP)
       5.30pm  HA   Special Intentions of the Watkins family

 Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Holy Angels, Ash: First Friday of month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass
Holy Family, Farnham:  First Thursday of month after 7.30pm Evening Mass
Special Services with Confessions at both Churches for Advent and Lent

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday at Holy Family @ 7.00pm (in Church Hall)

 (Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm)

                        Please note:  HF = Holy Family, Heath End, Farnham and HA = Holy Angels, Ash

Second Collection

TODAY is The Feast of Christ the King and National Youth Sunday. Also today there is a collection for the Retired Priests of the Diocese (Gift Aid)

PLEASE NOTE: Next week there will be a Second Collection for the Christmas Decorations.


Feast of Christ the King – 34th Sunday of the Year

Entrance Hymn:  HA: 320     HF: 239 Hail Redeemer King Divine..
Offertory:  HA:  767   HF:  477 Majesty ..
Final Hymn:  HA:   721   HF:  568
O Lord my God – how great thou art..



Prayer for the Confirmation Candidates:

Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your faithful
and enkindle in us the fire of your love.

As the autumn nights draw in, it didn’t stop a great turnout for the guitar concert at Holy Angels Church renowned for its exceptional acoustics.  Richard Veitch, Ben Pugsley and Chris Veitch and not forgetting their youngest pupil Rebecca Brown, managed to raise £500 for the people ofSyria.    Any further donations, please go to the following websites: –

Father David would like to thank Kate Veitch for all her hard work and effort that helped to make the evening such a wonderful event enjoyed by all.

HolyFamilyChurchCatholic Parish for Heath End Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

 During Advent and at Christmas we will have some additional musicians, at Christmas they will prefer to use a keyboard and instrument so we have made some room for these in the front bench on the left hand side.  This will also be useful for the Youth Mass at Holy Family on the 13th January, 2013.

Mother and Toddler Group – Meet up every Thursday morning from 9.30am until 11.30am. 

Holy Angels Church Catholic Parish for Ash, Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

200 Club Winners – October 2012 Draw

1st Prize           Ticket No:        66         Mr Chris Mann
2nd Prize           Ticket No:        46         Mrs CA Gray
(Joint prize)     Ticket No: 177  Mrs M Llanwarne

Why not join the club – Try your luck
Contact:  Paul Tremlett
Phone: 01483 810086  Mobile: 07899750949

Children’s Christmas Party – 16th December

We are holding a Christmas Party at Holy Angels for the children following the 11.00am Mass on Sunday, 16th December. This will be held in St. Mary’s Room and will start around 12.30pm and will finish around 2.30pm.  Please kindly arrange to pick your child up by no later than 2.45pm. Thank you. (A list will be available in the Church lobby. If you would like your child to attend, please kindly print your child’s name, age and a telephone number (in case of an emergency)

Mother and Toddler Group – Meet every Tuesday inSt. Mary’s Room from 10.30am until 12.00pm.  Why not come and join us as we would love to see you for a chat over a cup of coffee while the children play.


If you wish to have your child baptised you need to see the Priest or Deacon after Mass and make an appointment to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s Baptism and when the next Baptism Course will be and he will book a place on the course for you.

Prayer Requests

Please remember in your prayers:  Robert Edwards (Deacon John and Ann Edwards’s son) baby Rosie Partridge (niece of Caroline Taylor) and Daniel who has recently been taken ill a relative of a Parishioner from Holy Angels. (We pray for their complete recovery)

Dates for your Diary.

Holy Angels and Holy Family Prayer Group 4th Dec and 8th January, 2013. held in the Parish Office at Holy Angels.  Coffee at 7.30pm for 7.45pm start

Community Christmas Carol Service in aid of Humanitarian Aid for Syria:  Saturday, 22nd December at 5.30pm at Holy Angels Hand Bells and organ, mince pies and mulled wine. Promises to be a very enjoyable event

Father David’s News

Advent Penitential Service for both Churches this year will be at Holy Angels, Ash on Friday, 14th December at 7.30pm.  Visiting Priest for Confession.

Christmas Services

Holy Family Catholic Church, Farnham, GU9 0LH

Christmas Eve:  5.30pm Children’s Christmas Mass (Carols)
Christmas Day:  9.15am Christmas Day Mass (Carols)


Holy Angels Catholic Church, Ash,  GU12 6LU

Christmas Eve:  11.30pm Carols and Midnight Mass
Christmas Day:  11.00am Christmas Mass with Carols
Saturday Vigil Mass:  5.30pm every Saturday from 29th December, 2012




The season of Advent this year begins on Sunday, 2nd December.  The word ‘Advent’ means looking towards the coming and the coming we are looking to during Advent is the birth of Jesus.  Advent is therefore a time of preparation, a time when we make an effort and try to make some improvements in our life.  If you have lost the habit of morning or evening prayer (5 minutes or more sharing your thoughts, your worries, your joys with God) Advent is a good time to try talking to God again each day in prayer.  If we have a close friend we all know how much difference sharing our thoughts with them can make to our own peace of mind and how it can also help us to see things in a wider perspective.

Confession, (The Sacrament of Reconciliation) is a gift from God that has for some time been lost through lack of use.  Confession is a very special ‘Self Help’ opportunity that God gives us when he calls us to take a close look at ourselves, to review our life. In Confession we are called by God to review our lives regularly as part of ‘growing faith’, our own self improvement programme.  Not only is a ‘Confession good for the Soul’, it also gives us confidence and peace of mind.  

We all know that there is no progress without effort and that goes for a physical and spiritual self improvement – and it is something we have to do for ourselves.  My advice to anyone who has not been to confession for a long time is to be relaxed about it. Confession is not a memory test.  In preparing for confession you actually achieve what God wants for you – an awareness of where you are in life and how you relate to God and other people.

When you come to Confession you can tell the Priest that you have been looking at your life and how you relate to God and other people and you are conscious of the following areas where you feel you could do better and you would like God’s forgiveness for anyone you have hurt and his blessings to have the strength to improve.  The Priest will ask you to say a prayer for anyone you may have hurt or offended and will ask God to forgive you anything you have done wrong so you may have the courage and strength to face the challenges of life.       God Bless you all,    Father David