
30th September, 2012 (26th Sunday of the Year)

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Times of Mass and Devotions

If you are a visitor, or a newcomer, we warmly welcome you to our parishes – please introduce yourself after mass

Sun    30 Sep 9.15am





26th Sunday of the Year
Special Intentions of the people of the Parish

Elizabeth Morris (RIP)

Shirley Broad (RIP)

Mon   1 Oct     NO MASS  
Tue    2 Oct 9.30am HF Mem:  The Holy Guardian Angels Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
Wed   3 Oct 9.30am HA Weekday Special Intentions of Bishop Philip Reagan
Thu    4 Oct 7.30pm HFHF Mem: St. Francis of Assisi Sacrament of Reconciliation For those who care for sick animals
Fri      5 Oct 12.00pm HA



Sacrament of Reconciliation

Special intentions of Fr. Chris Wheelan
Sun   7 Oct 9.15am






27thSunday of the Year  Special Intentions of the people of the Parish

Matilda Roberts (RIP)  

 Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) at HA’s, Ash:  First Friday of the month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass

HF, Farnham: First Thursday of the month after 7.30pm Evening Mass

(Special services with Confession at both churches for Advent and Lent.)

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament each Wednesday at Holy Family at 7.00pm (in the Church Hall)

[Please note:  HF = Holy Family Church, Heath End, Farnham  HA = Holy Angels Church, Ash

Holy Angels Church is open every day to Visitors and for Private prayer 9am-1pm Parish Office 9.00am 1.30pm


Second Collection

Next Sunday, 7th October for CAFOD Fast Day (Gift Aid if using envelope supplied by the charity)



Patronal Feast at Holy Angels
Theme:  We rejoice in God’s call to love

Entrance Hymn:  HA: 724    HF:  45 Angels voices ever singing
Offertory:  HA:  971:     HF:  159 Father I place into your hands..
Final Hymn:  HA:  807   HF:  602 Praise my soul ..



On Saturday the 5th January 2013 the Saturday Evening 5.30pm Mass will be re-introduced.  The Sunday Evening Mass will be discontinued from 5th January, 2013.  (For Anyone who is working and unable to get to a Mass on Saturday Evening,  Holy Communion will be available if requested beforehand at 5.30pm on Sunday evenings from 6th January 2013


All Hallows Catholic School & 6th Form College: Open Evening for September 2013 Intake at 6.00pm on Thursday, 4th October, 2012

Altar Servers – Now that you have made your First Holy Communion, you are eligible to become altar servers.  This ministry is a wonderful way to get involved with your parish and to serve Jesus at His table.   Please speak to Father David, Deacon John or Gloria Benson at Holy Angels and Peter Davis at Holy Family


Confirmation Programme 2012/2013

Confirmation Application Forms are available at the back of both Churches. Candidates under 18 will need the form signed by their parents. Applicants need to be 13 or over before Easter next Year. All applicants need to be attending Mass either at Holy Angels or Holy Family Churches.  Other Parishes have their own Confirmation Courses and information is available from their Parish Priest.

Am I ready for Confirmation?

Before you make your decision you will need to read a copy of the magazine ‘Getting Confirmed’ (Catholic Edition)I SBN0-85231-153-2 available from Redemptorist Publications, Chawton, Alton, Hants, GU34 3HQ (Tel: 01420 83255)

(Please return the completed forms to our Parish Office.  Thank you).



If you wish to have your child baptised you will need to see the Priest or the Deacon after Mass and make an appointment with him to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s Baptism and when the next Baptism Course will be and he will book a place on the course for you.


Holy Family Church Catholic Parish for Heath End Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

 Parish Consultation – on replacing the pathway in the Church grounds after the building work.  Please complete the Consultation Form and hand it in this weekend. Thank you.

Thankyou! – Nancy Sackwood successfully completed her skydive.  If you agreed to sponsorNancy please could you arrange to give your sponsorship money toNancy when you next see her. Thank you.


Holy Angels Church Catholic Parish for Ash, Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Patronal Feast at Holy Angels: Tea, coffee, cake and biscuits will be provided today following the 11.00am Mass.

Extra help is needed on the First and third Sunday of the month when tea and coffee are provided following the 11am Mass.  Please let Coleen Rutter or Kate Veitch know if you are able to help them.

Today following the 11.00am Mass we have the Blessing of rings for Stephen Broad and his wifeSian whose Wedding Anniversary is today.  Please also remember in your prayers Stephen’s late Mother, Shirley Broad (RIP) who was married at Holy Angels Church.

200 Club Winners
August 2012 Draw

1st Prize            Ticket No: 137         Mrs. G. Benson
2nd Prize           Ticket No: 208         Mrs. M. Llanwarne
(Joint prize) Ticket No:  4    Mrs J Aganoor

Why not joint the Club – Try your luck


Dates for your Diary

Help for families in Syria during the War:
Classical Guitar Concert – Saturday, 17th Novemb
er at 7.30pm. at Holy Angels Church, 65 Church Road, Ash, Surrey GU12 6LU (Tickets are now available)

International Suppers:  We are holding International Suppers with the first one being held at Holy Angels on Friday, 7th December 2012 which will be an African Evening starting at 7.30pm for 8.00pm. The meal will be presented by Sophie & George Terzis.  The cost will be only £3 per head payable when booking and we will cater for up to 12 people on the evening which will be on a first come first serve basis.  After the Menu has been published in the Newsletter (If you are interested please kindly let Rita in the Parish Office know)

Community Christmas Carol Service

On Saturday, 22nd December at 5.30pm – Collection for Humanitarian Aid for Syria.
(All welcome, neighbours and friends)

Holy Angels and Holy Family Prayer Group 2nd October and the 6th November held in the Parish Office at Holy Angels.  Coffee at 7.30pm for 7.45pm start


Father David’s News

This weekend we as a Parish at Ash keep our Patronal Feast – The Feast of the Guardian Angels. (the official date of which is on 2nd October during the week, but this Sunday is the nearest Sunday when the parish community assembles and so we take this opportunity to celebrate the Feast of the Guardian Angels and to pray for our Parish community here at Ash.

The Old Testament tells us that Angels are God’s special messengers – a way that God shares his love for us.  The Angel Gabriel brought God’s news of the birth of Jesus to Mary.  Angels sang at the birth of Christ.  We do not know what an Angel looks like but artists quite often show them in human form but with wings to signify that their mission is from heaven.

The beautiful copy of the 14th Century painting, which we have moved today from our Lady’s side of the Church to the Altar shows our Blessed Lady surrounded by angels.  On this our Parish Feast Day let us pray that we too may have one of God’s angels near us in times of challenge in life.

Holy Guardian Angels, Patron of our Parish, Pray for us.

God Bless you all,         Father David

Preparation for the Diocesan Jubilee: The study period is due to commence w/c 8th October please let us know if you intend to attend a study groups. We need to order study books and materials.