
21st October, 2012 (29th Sunday of the Year)

HOLY ANGELS CHURCH is open Monday – Friday
9am – 1.00pm
For Visits and Prayer.




Times of Mass and Devotions

Sun  21 Oct 9.15am HF   Valerie Tibaldi (RIP)
  11.00pm HA  29th Sunday of the Year Tony Azurdia (RIP)
   5.30pm HA   Special Intentions of the People of the Parish
Mon  22 Oct     NO MASS    
Tue  23 Oct  9.30am HF Weekday Special Intentions of the Edwards family
Wed 24 Oct 9.30am HA Weekday Harry Tewkesbury (RIP)
Thu  25 Oct  7.30pm HF Weekday Special Intentions of Sister Rosario
Fri     26 Oct   12.00pm HA  Weekday  pecial Intentions of Molly Llanwarne
Sun   28 Oct   9.15am  HF    Ann Packwood (RIP
   11.00am  HA  30th Sunday of the Year William Roberts (RIP)
       5.30pm  HA   Special Intentions of people of the Parish

 Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Holy Angels, Ash: First Friday of month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass
Holy Family, Farnham:  First Thursday of month after 7.30pm Evening Mass
Special Services with Confessions at both Churches for Advent and Lent

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday at Holy Family @ 7.00pm (in Church Hall)

 (Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm)

                        Please note:  HF = Holy Family, Heath End, Farnham and HA = Holy Angels, Ash


Second Collection

Next Sunday, 28th October there will be a collection for the Arundel Cathedral Maintenance Fund (Gift


29th Sunday of the Year B.

Entrance Hymn:  HA: 749              HF:   187                     From Heaven you came
Offertory:           HA:  1001           HF:    540 or 874          I cannot tell 
Final Hymn:        HA: 320              HF:    239                    Hail Redeemer


On Saturday the 5th January 2013 the Saturday Evening 5.30pm Mass will be re-introduced.  The Sunday Evening Mass will be discontinued from 5th January, 2013.  (For anyone who is working and unable to get to a Mass on Saturday Evening, Holy Communion will be available if requested beforehand at 5.30pm on Sunday evenings from 6th January 2013)


If you wish to have your child baptised you will need to see the Priest or the Deacon after Mass and make an appointment with him to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s Baptism and when the next Baptism Course will be and he will book a place on the course for you.

Prayer Requests

Please continue to keep in your prayers:  Deacon John Edwards son, Robert, and pray for a complete and speedy recovery.

Holy Family Church Catholic Parish for Heath End Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

 Advent Lunch – Holy Family: This Friday 26th Oct. 12.30pm in aid of Mary’s Meals Charity.

Holy Angels Church Catholic Parish for Ash, Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Children’s Liturgy:

Children’s Liturgy: The disciples recognised Jesus as their leader, and in this week’s gospel the disciples talk to Jesus about when he becomes King.    In Children’s Liturgy, we talk about leaders and what we must do to be like Jesus.

 All welcome:

Lorraine & Jim Brown will be celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary with a Thanksgiving Mass on Friday, 9 November at Holy Angels at 7.00 pm.  They wish to extend to friends and parishioners of Holy Angels and Holy Family an invitation to come worship and pray with them as they celebrate this milestone in their lives.  If you cannot attend, they ask that you remember them on the day and thank you for your support, friendship and prayers. 

Christmas Lunch: 

At a meeting this week there was a good response to the proposal for a Christmas Lunch for the Wednesday and Friday Mass Groups. (Further information will be available shortly)



Thank you to everyone for supporting the collection for the Missions helping those working to spread The Word throughout the poorer parts of the World.

Some copies of the latest Missio magazine are available at the back of the church for anyone who might want to read about their work.  Some 30 families at Holy Angels currently support the work of the missions throughout the year by holding a Red Box in which they put their loose change.  If you want any further information on the Missions or want to support the Red Box scheme please contact Chris Mann at 11.00 Mass on Sunday, Tel: 01252 684115 or email: 

Dates for your Diary

Advent Lunch – Holy Family:  This Friday 26th October at 12.30pm

Lovely warming soup for the winter and rolls and cheese
We will now give the proceeds of our Advent Lunch to Mary’s Meals.  A short video of their work will be shown after the lunch for parishioners to see how their money will be spent. (All are welcome)

West African Evening: 7th Dec. 2012

 Starting (Cote d’Ivoire). The meal will be presented by Sophie and George Terzis at a price of £3 per head (3 course meal). Only 12 places are available on a first come first serve basis. Places available from this Monday onwards please contact the Parish Office to avoid disappointment!  We currently still have places available.

M e n u

Drinks: Red/white wine, fruits juice, water

Starters: A selection of Greek salad, nuts, aubergine puree, fresh baguette

Main course:  Oven pork/oven chicken/oven fish
Oven yam/ oven African potatoes/boiled rice (plain)/ fried plantain Tomatoe sauce

Desert:  Mangoes, pineapple, apple pie


Help for families in Syria during the War: 

Classical Guitar Concert – Saturday, 17th November at 7.30pm at Holy Angels Church, 65 Church Road, Ash, Surrey GU12 6LU


(Tickets will be sold this Sunday, 21st October after Mass and again on the 4th November with teas and coffees)

Please offer your support to this very worthwhile cause as many families are really suffering during this terrible war in their country.

Ashes Good Neighbour’s scheme:

The Ash Good Neighbour Scheme is now ready to launch.

We are a group of volunteers who wish to offer our time to assist residents in Ash and Ash Vale who have difficulty with transport to the Doctors or the hospital and shopping or we could pop in for a cup of tea and a chat.

Through the success of our last three coffee mornings and with the generous support of Vale Furnishers, we are now able to launch our scheme in early November. We will be distributing information about the scheme throughout Ash and Ash Vale soon.

 If you are interested in finding out more about us or know someone who could benefit from our assistance     

Please telephone 07790 457632.


Community Christmas Carol Service in aid of Humanitarian Aid for Syria

On Saturday, 22nd December at 5.30pm at Holy Angels Hand Bells and organ, mince pies and mulled wine. Promises to be a very enjoyable event

Holy Angels and Holy Family Prayer Group – 6th November, 4th December and 8th January, 2013

This is held in the Parish Office at Holy Angels.  Coffee at 7.30pm for 7.45pm start

Father David’s News

Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Jubilee Preparations Autumn 2012

Six week Discussion Groups to discuss the Vatican Council Document about Liturgy, Worship and the Sacraments – especially the Mass start next week:

Mondays at Holy Family Church Hall beginning on 22nd October 2012 at 7.30pm

Wednesdays at Home of Gloria Craven (Tel: 01252 321609) beginning on 24th October at 7.30pm

Thursdays at Holy Family Church Hall – after the 7.30pm Mass (8pm) beginning on 25th October.

Fridays at Holy Angels Church Hall beginning on 26th October at 7.30pm

Notes will be available and there will be a CD presentation to prepare us for the discussion.

November is the month of Prayer for the Holy Souls.  The month when we remember with love and thanksgiving those who have been part of our lives in a special way.

Attached to the Newsletter today is a Prayer and Mass Request for you to include the names of those you would like remembered at Mass during the month of November and who will also be remembered individually at one of the Masses during the forthcoming year.  Please PRINT the names clearly so that they can be read out at a Mass and place the Mass and Prayer Request in an envelope with any donation you may wish to include.  Your contribution will be confidential – the envelopes may be placed on the offertory collection plate at Mass but they will only be opened by the Priest.

May those we remember here on earth remember us in their Prayers in Heaven. 

‘Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them’

God Bless you all,       Father David