
4th November 2012 (31st Sunday of the Year)

HOLY ANGELS CHURCH is open Monday – Friday
9am – 1.00pm
For Visits and Prayer.




Times of Mass and Devotions

Sun   4  Nov 9.15am HF    Phil Gerrard (RIP)
  11.00am HA 31st Sunday of the Year  Paula Vella (RIP)
   5.30pm HA    Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
Mon   5  Nov     NO MASS    
Tue   6  Nov 9.30am HF Weekday  
Wed   7 Nov 9.30am HA Weekday  Deceased members of the Sudbury family (Nov. List)
Thu   8 Nov    7.30pm HF Weekday  
Fri     9 Nov   12.00pm
Feast:  The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
25th Wedding Anniversary Lorraine and Bill Brown
 Deceased members of the Lee family (Nov. List)
Sat   10 Nov  5.30pm HA  Vigil Mass  Deceased members of the Burns family (Nov. List)
 Sun 11 Nov    9.15am  HF Remembrance Sunday (32nd  Sunday of the Year)  
     12.00pm  HA    
   5.30pm  HA    Deceased members of the Watkins family (Nov. List)

 Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Holy Angels, Ash: First Friday of month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass
Holy Family, Farnham:  First Thursday of month after 7.30pm Evening Mass
Special Services with Confessions at both Churches for Advent and Lent

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday at Holy Family @ 7.00pm (in Church Hall)

 (Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm)

                        Please note:  HF = Holy Family, Heath End, Farnham and HA = Holy Angels, Ash


Entrance Hymn:  HA:  644     HF:  37 Alleluia sing to Jesus .. 
Offertory:  HA: 852    HF: 778 We have a Gospel to proclaim .. 
Final Hymn:  HA:  807   HF:  602 Praise my Soul ..


Domestic Cleaner required by parishioner
11/12 hours a week £8 an hour.
Tel:  01252 712588 or 07976 356192

Saturday the 5th January 2013 the Saturday Evening 5.30pm Mass will be re-introduced.  The Sunday Evening Mass will be discontinued from 5th January, 2013.  (For anyone who is working and unable to get to a Mass on Saturday Evening, Holy Communion will be available if requested beforehand at 5.30pm on Sunday evenings from 6th January 2013)

Mary’s Meals: We collected £100 for Mary’s Meals at the Advent Lunch + Raffle so very many thanks to all parishioners who attended, helped out and donated.  Magnificent result.  We now have £130 to send off to this wonderful charity.

Now we will be concentrating on the back-pack project over the next few weeks. Pease leave donations  and/or back-packs in the church foyers and they will be collected regularly.

Also on sale at the back of Holy Family will be some Fair-trade religious Christmas cards – just leave money in tin provided.

All welcome – Lorraine & Jim Brown will be celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary with a Thanksgiving Mass on Friday, 9 November at Holy Angels at 7.00 pm.  Friends and parishioners from both Parishes are welcome to help them celebrate this special occasion.

Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Jubilee Preparations Autumn 2012

Six week Discussion Groups to discuss the Vatican Council Document about Liturgy, Worship and the Sacraments – especially the Mass start next week: Mondays at Holy Family Church Hall at 7.30pm

Wednesdays at Home of Gloria Craven (Tel: 01252 321609) at 7.30pm
Thursdays at Holy Family Church Hall – after the 7.30pm Mass (8pm)
Fridays at Holy Angels Church Hall at 7.30pm

Notes will be available and there will be a CD

Holy Family Church Catholic Parish for Heath End Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

 Mother and Toddler Group – Meet up every Thursday morning from 9.30am until 11.30am. 

Holy Angels Church Catholic Parish for Ash, Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Remembrance Sunday:  Poppies are now available in the Church Lobby.

Ash Good Neighbour Group Launch early Nov: For more information:-  Please telephone 07790 457632. Email:


If you wish to have your child baptised you need to see the Priest or Deacon after Mass and make an appointment to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s Baptism and when the next Baptism Course will be and he will book a place on the course for you.

Prayer Requests

Please remember in your prayers:  Robert Edwards (Deacon John and Ann Edwards’s son) and baby Rosie Partridge (niece of Caroline Taylor)

Dates for your Diary.

Community Christmas Carol Service in aid of Humanitarian Aid for Syria:  Saturday, 22nd December at 5.30pm at Holy Angels Hand Bells and organ, mince pies and mulled wine. Promises to be a very enjoyable event

Help for families in Syria during the War:
Classical Guitar Concert
Saturday, 17th November at 7.30pm at Holy Angels Church, 65 Church Road, Ash, Surrey GU12 6LU

West African Evening: 7th Dec. 2012 7.30pm at Holy Angels Church starting (Cote d’Ivoire). The meal will be presented by Sophie and George Terzis at a price of £3 per head (3 course meal). Only 12 places are available on a first come first serve basis. We still have places available so book now. Where else could you get a 3 course meal for only £3?
Please refer to Church Notice Boards for the Menu.

Father David’s News

Ash Art for November:

This months painting is entitled “Not Alone” by a Contemporary American Artist, Danny Hahlbohm.  Of this picture Danny writes:  “One of the biggest questions we all ask ourselves at one time or another is, “After this life, then what?”.  “I think my art work speaks quite clearly on what I personally believe”.

“I hope one day when I meet Him (my God) face to face to hear my Lord say, “Well done my good and faithful servant” – Then will my life be complete and satisfied within.

Take a close look at the picture and behind the soldier kneeling in prayer you will see the faint representation of an angel watching over the soldier bent on one knee in prayer.


CAR PARKING AT HOLY FAMILY – A number of Parishioners have told me that they cannot get out of the car park because they have been blocked in by other cars.  We know parking is difficult and the space is limited.  If you get held up after Mass please check that you are not blocking others from getting away – and to everyone ‘Thank you’ for your patience and courtesy – a very rate quality in life generally today.

A Special  Prayer at this time

Commemoration of All Souls

Eternal God, Lord of heaven and earth, we remember with thanksgiving, and commend to your infinite love, those faithful souls who having served you here on earth are now at rest in your presence, especially those most dear to us.

Give us grace so to follow their faith and good examples that we may share their joy, and at last be numbered with your saints in glory everlasting;  through the mercy of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (Frank Colquhoun)

‘Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them’