
16th March, 2013 – Sunday Vigil Mass

HOLY ANGELS CHURCH is open Monday – Friday
9am – 1.00pm
For Visits and Prayer.


Times of Mass and Devotions

Sat  16 Mar  5.30pm HA Vigil Mass Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
Sun  17 Mar  9.15am HF Fifth Sunday of Lent Special Intentions of Valerie Anderson
 11.00am HA Chris Barnham and Walter Dunphy (RIP)
  3.00pm HF Stations of the Cross
 3.00pm HA  First Holy Communion For children who will be away when the main 1st Communions take place this June.
Mon  18 Mar NO MASS
Tue  19 Mar   12.00pm HF St. Joseph  For Pope Francis Special Intentions
   7.30pm HA  For Pope Francis Special Intentions
Wed 20 Mar 9.30am HA  Fifith Week of Lent Molly Llanwarne (sick)
Thu  21 Mar   7.30pm HF Liturgy of the Word (Deacon John Edwards)
 Fri   22 Mar 12.00pm HA Fifth Week of Lent Grahame Roberts (RIP)
  7.00pm HA Stations of the Cross
Sat  23 Mar   5.30pm HA Vigil Mass  Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
Sun 24 Mar   9.15am HF Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord  Henry Savidge (RIP)
11.00am HA  Angela & Arthur Barge’s Special Intentions
  3.00pm HF  Stations of the Cross  

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Holy Angels, Ash: First Friday of month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass
Holy Family, Farnham:  First Thursday of month after 7.30pm Evening Mass
Special Services with Confessions at both Churches for Advent and Lent

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday at Holy Family @ 7.00pm (in Church Hall)

 (Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm)

                        Please note:  HF = Holy Family, Heath End, Farnham and HA = Holy Angels, Ash

Second Collection

There will be a second collection TODAY for the Easter Flowers.


Theme:  Only if you are without sin you may criticise others

Entrance:     HA:  920   HF: 4 A new commandment
Offertory:     HA:  964   HF:830 You shall cross the    desertbe not afraid.
Final Hymn: HA:  960   HF: 233
Guide me O ..


10th Station:  Jesus is stripped of his Clothing

Stripped and jeered by His own nation,
Giving all he had to give;
Jesus in your desolation,

11th Station:  Jesus is nailed to the Cross

Piereced the hands that blessed and cured us,
Of our Saviour crucified;
Pierced the feet that walked to free us,

12th Station:  Jesus dies on the Cross

At the Cross her station keeping,
Till His Spirit He sent forth,
Stood His mournful Mother weeping,

HABEMUS PAPAM – Prayer for the New Pope: Jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis

Almighty and ever living God, by whose decree all things are founded, look with favour on our prayers and in your kindness protect Pope Francis who you have chosen for us, that under his spiritual guidance, we may grow in faith and good works and come to join you one day in your heavenly home. Through Christ our Lord. Amen


Easter Eggs for STEP BY STEP: the youth group are collecting Easter eggs for Step by step (Aldershot charity for homeless teenagers). Any contributions would be welcome. We will collect them after mass next Sunday. Please remember in your prayers our Confirmation Group who will be away on their ‘Decision Making Retreat’.  We are lucky to have an enthusiastic group of young people in our two Churches and we are grateful to those who support them.

On Saturday 23 March at 7.30pm, at St Lawrence Church, Alton, the Holybourne Singers will be singing Schubert Mass in G and Handel Coronation Anthems.  Tickets are £8 for adults, children free, available from or from the Alton branch of Waterstones.  Proceeds are going towards the wheelchair fund for local student Jess Brown.

Catholic family looking for after school help
(Please see the poster on both Church Notice boards for further information)

Confessions before Easter – Saturday, 23rd March12pm Penitential Service (confessions) + Benediction at Holy Angels

Sunday, 24th March – 3pm Stations followed by Benediction and Confessions at Holy Family

Thursday, 28th March (Maundy Thursday) 9pm – 10pm.

Prayer Group: Holy Angels and Holy Family Prayer Group takes place once a month on a Tuesday in the Parish Room at Holy Angels Church at 7.45pmNext meeting: 2nd April, 2013 (Tea, coffee 7.30pm)

Justice and Peace

Thank you to everyone who came to the Lenten Lunch last Friday.  We raised £52, despite it not being very well attended this time as many of our regulars were unable to attend for various reasons.  At future events it would be lovely to see some new faces, maybe some young mums as we can find a corner for the children to play and there’s always plenty of delicious soup!

Karmelin gave a short talk about the Fistula hospital in Addis Ababa and the wonderful work they do, so, together with £32 we had in our funds, and Karmelin generously rounding it up, we are able to send £100 to Ethiopia.

Breaking News! – The Parish will be running a Fashion Show at the end of June with super, reasonably priced clothes for all ladies! (More news on this in next week’s newsletter.

HolyFamilyChurch Catholic Parish Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

Churches Together in Farnham Walk of Witness on Good Friday, 29th March. Meet at the top of the Hart, Farnham (nr. Entrance to Waitrose Car Park) 11.45am for 12 noon start. All Welcome. (Please see the Churches Together website for other events)

Holy Angels  Catholic Parish for Ash, Nr. Aldershot,  Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Gift Aid Envelopes – Please kindly collect your Gift Aid Envelopes from the back of the Church.  Same Numbers as last year.


Please make an appointment to see the Priest/Deacon to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s baptism.

Prayer Requests

Please remember in your prayers our sick: Barbara mother of Sharon O’Brien and Mary Dzwig, mother of Father Paul.

200 Club Winners – February 2013 Draw

1st Prize                       Ticket No:        88         Mrs J Russell
2nd Prize                       Ticket No:        102       Mr J Smith
(Joint prize)                 Ticket No:        84         Mrs J Russell

Police Coffee Afternoon –  Thursday, 21st March
3pm – 4pm next Thursday
.  (Please see notice board for more information)

Message from Father David

I was very glad I was in the Priest’s House when the news broke about the election of the New Pope just after 6pm.  By 6.45pm people were knocking on my door asking for the Church to be opened so they could go in and light a candle and pray for the New Pope.  Over 30 people turned up and I put the large T.V. Screen on BBC2 and people came into the Hall after praying in Church to watch the news commentary.  Very quickly a party atmosphere developed and I was grateful I had a few bottles of wine hidden away, which were very much appreciated when I brought them out to celebrate.  It was very heart-warming to know that people had been praying so keenly for the election of the New Pope and that they wanted to come to church and give thanks in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament immediately the News was announced.

May God Bless our New Pope, POPE FRANCIS the 266 successor of the first Pope St. Peter and give him the health and strength he needs to lead the church and support us in faith in the modern world of today.

The new Pope will be installed on Tuesday, 19th March.  The Feast of St. Joseph.  There will be a special Mass on that day for Pope Francis at 12pm at Holy Family Church, Farnham and 7.30pm at Holy Angels Church, Ash.  Please make a special effort to get to one of the Masses to ask God’s Blessing on our new Pope.  If you can’t get to Mass, please make Tuesday, 19th a day of prayer for our new Pope.

God Bless you all,     Father David