
23rd March, 2013 – Sunday Vigil Mass


Times of Mass and Devotions

Sat 23  Mar 12.00pm HA Penitential Service (confessions + Benediction)  
  5.30pm HA Vigil Mass Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
Sun 24  Mar 9.15am HF Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Henry Savidge (RIP)
  11.00am HA   Angela & Arthur Barge’s Special Intentions
   3.00pm HF Stations of the Cross & confessions  
Mon 25  Mar     NO MASS  
Tue 26  Mar 9.30am HF Holy Week Special Intentions of Sister Anastasia
Wed 27 Mar  9.30am HA Holy Week Special Intentions of Sister Barbara
Thu 28  Mar 7.30pm HA Maundy Thursday Special Intentions of Sister Lucy
  9.00pm HA Confessions until 10pm  
Fri  29  Mar    9.30am HA Children’s Service (20 minutes)  
  3.00pm HF Passion and Veneration  
  7.30pm HA Stations of the Cross  
Sat 30 Mar  7.30pm HA Easter Vigil Ceremony of Light and Mass
Sun 31 Mar 9.15am HF Family Mass for Easter All Departed (RIP)
  11.00am  HA Family Mass for Easter All Departed (RIP)
  5.30pm HA Evening Easter Mass All Departed (RIP)


Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Holy Angels, Ash: First Friday of month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass
Holy Family, Farnham:  First Thursday of month after 7.30pm Evening Mass
Special Services with Confessions at both Churches for Advent and Lent

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday at Holy Family @ 7.00pm (in Church Hall)

 (Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm)

                        Please note:  HF = Holy Family, Heath End, Farnham and HA = Holy Angels, Ash



Theme:  Palm Sunday

Entrance:     HA:  721   HF: 568 O Lord my God

Blessing of the Palms:

HA:  722  HF:  190  Give me joy in my heart – sing hosanna

Offertory:     HA:  320   HF: 239 Hail Redeemer
No Final Hymn:  
All depart in silence

TODAY at 3pm Stations followed by Benediction and Confessions at Holy Family
Thursday, 28th March (Maundy Thursday) 9pm – 10pm



TODAY Eggs for STEP BY STEP (Aldershot charity for homeless teenagers) will be collected by our Youth.

Youth Retreat weekend –The Youth Retreat was at Geo House in Ashurst in the New Forest and is a retreat house belonging to the Montfort Missionaries.  Fr Des was great and accommodated us all for reconciliation in his busy schedule.  The parishioners prepared a meal for us before leaving on Sunday – all in all a wonderful weekend with catechists and candidates. (for more info and pictures  please see both websites)

Easter Offering – Our Priest, Father David, receives no wages or salary from the parish.  The Christmas and Easter Offering help towards his holidays and personal expenses.  For those who do not have offertory envelopes.  Easter Offering envelopes will be available this week with the Newsletter.  Thank you for your generosity.

Skittles Night – There will be a Skittles Night in association with the Knights of Columba on Friday, 10th May at Hale Village Hall from 7pm until 11pm.  All are welcome. £8 per adult. (for further information please contact Deacon John Edwards)

Prayer Group: Holy Angels and Holy Family Prayer Group takes place once a month on a Tuesday in the Parish Room at Holy Angels Church at 7.45pm
The next meeting: 2nd April, 2013 (Tea, coffee 7.30pm)

Justice and Peace

Breaking News! – The Parish will be running a Fashion Show on Saturday, 6th July with super, reasonably priced clothes for all ladies!

We are thinking of a Saturday afternoon show with scones, cakes etc . Only £5 entrance for a wonderful afternoon of fun, eating and shopping!   We’ll be looking for 4 models of different ages, maybe some young mums as it would be nice to see some new faces as well as our regular parishioners who always support us.

Funds will be shared between the Parish and a suitable charity. 


Please make an appointment to see the Priest/Deacon to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s baptism.

Prayer Requests

Please remember in your prayers our sick: Barbara mother of Sharon O’Brien and Molly Llanwarne.

Please also pray for the repose of the soul of Mary Dzwig, mother of Father Paul who sadly passed away on Sunday evening. Also for Fr. Denis Cronin who recently sadly passed away.


Holy Family Church Catholic Parish Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

Churches Together in Farnham Walk of Witness on Good Friday, 29th March. Meet at the top of the Hart, Farnham (nr. Entrance to Waitrose Car Park) 11.45am for 12 noon start. All Welcome. (Please see the Churches Together website for other events)


Holy Angels  Catholic Parish for Ash, Nr. Aldershot,  Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Walk of Witness, Ash Vale – St. Mary’s have their Walk of Witness and have asked us to meet them for a joint event at the Ash Vale shops at 10.30am.

Gift Aid Envelopes – Please collect your envelope if you Gift Aid as there are still a few awaiting collection.


Message from Father David

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner – Many thanks to those who organised this very enjoyable and successful event.  So many of you have asked what can we do to thank the organisers – perhaps the best thanks would be to organise just one small social event in the year and invite those who have organised the St. Patrick’s Day and other recent events to come as a guest when they, instead of having to work and keep an eye on things, could just sit back with nothing to do but enjoy themselves for a change.  Well done to all the groups that have provided us with some very enjoyable social events recently.

Two Parishes Summer Fun Day – We are floating a proposed date for the Two Parishes Fun Day which is Sunday, 30th June and would appreciate comments on the suitability of this date. It was decided after feedback from some of you that we keep this event just for our Two Parishes and we will not join with any other Churches as was put forward as a suggestion.

Unfortunately due to the very wet weather last year this event had to be cancelled. Let’s hope that this year the weather is in our favour.

Mary Dzwig (RIP)  For over a year now we have been lucky enough to have had the help and support of Father Paul Dzwig in our Parish.  Our luck came about due to a sadness in Father Paul’s own family, he was given permission to come home to look after his mother Mary who was terminally ill with cancer.

I have known Mary for over 30 years.  I first met her when I was appointed as a Deacon preparing for the priesthood in Alton Parish in 1974.  Then Mary was a mother with teenage children (five in all)  She has always been a great supporter of the church and has had an effect on the lives of many outside her immediate family.  Amongst her many projects she has taught Religious Education (catechism as we used to call it) in the Parish and was for many years a key member of the teaching staff at All Hallows School where she contributed significantly towards the Catholic Ethos of the School.  Mary’s love for Christ also found expression through many other aspects of Church Life.  During her final months many of you will have met or seen her at the 11am Sunday Mass at Ash.

As you would expect Mary will be greatly missed not only by her family but by many others.  Heaven will be richer for her presence and earth the poorer for her absence.

We offer our Prayers and Condolences to Father Paul and his family at this challenging time for them.  Memories may be a comfort but nothing can replace the loss of a loved one.

 ‘Eternal rest grant unto her, O, Lord’.

Mass:  Mary’s Funeral will take place on Monday, 25th March at 11am at St. Lucy’s Convent, Medstead, GU34 5LL.

God Bless you all,      Father David

A Special Prayer

Jesus, Lord of life and conqueror of death, who dried the tears of the widow at Nain;  look with compassion on those who grieve for the loss of one dear to them.  Make them to know that you are with them even in the darkest hours, and in your presence may they find courage, comfort and peace; for your love’s sake.