
23rd December, 2012 (4th Sunday in Advent)

HOLY ANGELS CHURCH is open Monday – Friday
9am – 1.00pm
For Visits and Prayer.




Times of Mass and Devotions

Sun 23 Dec 9.15am HF   Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
  11.00am HA 4th Sunday of Advent Fr. Jim Martin (RIP)
   5.30pm HA   Jannis Jones (RIP)
Mon 24 Dec  8.00am
Children’s Christmas Mass
Carols and Midnight Mass
Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
Special Intentions for everyone present
Tue 25 Dec 9.15am
Christmas Day Mass (Carols)
Christmas Day Mass (Carols)
Special Intentions for the people of the Parish
Special Intentions for the people of the Parish
Wed 26 Dec     NO MASS  
Thu  27 Dec     NO MASS  
Fri    28 Dec      NO MASS  
Sat   29 Dec   5.30pm  HA  Vigil Mass (Fr. Paul Dzwig) Special Intentions for the people of the Parish
Sun  30 Dec  9.15am  HF Feast:  The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Mark Sackwood (RIP) Nov. List
      11.00am  HA   McCrow Family (RIP)  Nov. List

 Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Holy Angels, Ash: First Friday of month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass
Holy Family, Farnham:  First Thursday of month after 7.30pm Evening Mass
Special Services with Confessions at both Churches for Advent and Lent

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday at Holy Family @ 7.00pm (in Church Hall)

 (Parish Office Hours: 9.00am – 1.30pm)

                        Please note:  HF = Holy Family, Heath End, Farnham and HA = Holy Angels, Ash


Fourth Sunday of Advent

Theme:  Mary’s Child – Prince of Peace

Entrance Hymn:  HA: 133     HF: 810 While Shepherds
Offertory:            HA:  112     HF: 522 O come, O come
Final Hymn:        HA:  127     HF: 540 O Little Town of  Bethlehem


Saturday Evening – Vigil Mass

Please note that as from Saturday, 29th December, 2012 the Saturday night vigil will be re-introduced at Holy Angels  and there will no longer be a Sunday evening Mass.


Christmas Offering

Our Priest receives no wages or salary from the parish.  The Christmas and Easter Offering help towards his holidays and personal expenses.  For those who do not have offertory envelopes, Christmas Offering envelopes are on the table near the church door.  Thank you for your generosity.


Date for DiarySaturday 9th Feb The youth group are holding a games fund raising afternoon at Holy Family followed by a fish and chip supper.  Times and prices to be confirmed in the New Year.  Please support our young people and put the date in your new diary now.


Children’s Liturgy

Children’s Liturgy Group: Week 4 of Advent – Shepherds

Sung to: “Sing a Song of Sixpence”

Sing a song of Christmas
Look up really high
Four and twenty angels
Flying in the sky
When the shepherds saw them
The angels began to sing
Off you go to Bethlehem to see the new born King.


Holy Family Church Catholic Parish Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

Youth Mass at Holy Family on the 13th January, 2013 followed with a cake sale to raise funds for the Youth Retreat. (Please be aware of the cake sale taking place after Mass if you are parked in the Church car park and allow for this when parking if you need to leave on time. 

(If someone would offer to bake a cake on behalf of Father David he would be happy to donate the ingredients) Father  would be willing to have a go at baking a cake but he doesn’t think this would raise much money!!


Mother and Toddler Group – Meet up every Thursday morning from 9.30am until 11.30am. 


Holy Angels Church Catholic Parish for Ash, Ash Vale, Tongham, Aldershot & Normandy

Universe:  Free copies of the Universe have been sent to us and are available at the back of the Church.  If you enjoy reading this Catholic paper, copies can be ordered.


Mother and Toddler Group – Meet Tuesdays in St. Mary’s Room from 10.30am until 12.00pm. 



Please make an appointment to see the Priest/Deacon to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s baptism.


Prayer Requests

Please continue to remember in your prayers:  Robert Edwards, baby Rosie Partridge and Daniel. (We pray Lord for their complete recovery. Amen)

Today’s Mass

At the end of Mass TODAY our young people who have decorated the Tree are invited to read the prayer of remembrance and to turn the tree lights on at both Churches.

Prayer of Remembrance

Heavenly Father, you made the whole world, the fields and the trees and everyone we know and love.  From this world of your creation we have chosen this tree to decorate in thanksgiving for the world in which we live and as a focus of our continuing love and prayer for our family and friends who have died and who we wish to remember especially at Christmas.

Perhaps many of you might like to say this prayer at home when you decorate your own tree for Christmas.


Message from Father David

Dear Parishioners and Friends

As Deacon John and I prepare for Christmas we can’t help looking back on the past year.  We have been privileged to conduct many wonderful Christenings and Weddings and share in your joy as well as the funerals of valued members of our church community and share your sadness in saying goodbye to them.

All these special occasions together with the First Holy Communions and the various social gatherings, including the Guitar Concert for the Syrian Refugees, are part of the life of our parish, which together with the Sunday Mass celebrations, make us a living community of Faith and a visible part of the family of God on earth.

As we gather to celebrate the very reason all these special events have taken place (the birthday of Jesus Christ) may I take this opportunity on behalf of Deacon John and myself to thank you for your encouragement and support during the year.

Thank you!   to all those people who have helped towards making this Christmas so Special. For the flower ladies for helping our two Churches look so festive and welcoming, for the church cleaners, choir, the leaders of our Children’s Liturgy, altar servers, special minister, collectors, welcomers and many others who have helped with one off events,

Please accept this weeks newsletter as our Christmas Greeting to you.  We both wish you every blessing for Christmas and every happiness in the New Year.

Deacon John and Father David.

Please Note:  The Parish Office will be closed from Monday, 24tht December and will open on Wednesday, 2nd January.  (For anything urgent please contact the Priest, Father David, or Deacon John Edwards)