
19th January 2013 – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

HOLY ANGELS CHURCH is open Monday – Friday
9am – 1.00pm
For Visits and Prayer.



Times of Mass and Devotions

Sat 19  Jan 5.30pm HA  Vigil Mass for Sunday Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
Sun 20  Jan 9.15am HF Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Frank Packwood (RIP
 11.00pm HA Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Mary & Maureen O’Shea (RIP)
Mon 21 Jan NO MASS  
Tue 22 Jan 9.30am HF Week 2 in Ordinary Time Blanche Lewis (RIP) November List
Wed 23 Jan 9.30am HA Week 2 in Ordinary Time  Deceased members of Burns Family (Nov. List)
Thu  24 Jan  7.30pm HF St. Francis de Sales Constance Lewis (RIP) Nov. List
Fri    25 Jan 12.00pm HA The Conversion of St. Paul Deceased members of Watkins Family – Nov. List
Sat   26 Jan  5.30pm HA Sts Timothy and Titus Mary Leahy (RIP)
Sun 27 Jan  9.15am HF Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
       11.00am  HA Harry Tewkesbury (RIP)

 Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Holy Angels, Ash: First Friday of month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass
Holy Family, Farnham:  First Thursday of month after 7.30pm Evening Mass
Special Services with Confessions at both Churches for Advent and Lent

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday at Holy Family @ 7.00pm (in Church Hall)

 (Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm)

                        Please note:  HF = Holy Family, Heath End, Farnham and HA = Holy Angels, Ash

Second Collection

There will be a Special Collection next Sunday for The Catholic Education Service


Theme:  Cana – 1st sign of Jesus’ authority

Entrance:     HA:  697  HF:  570 O the love of my Lord ..
Offertory:     HA:  803  HF:  399 Love is his word ..
Final Hymn: HA:  801  HF:  398 Love Divine ..


Vacancy for a Foundation Governor – St. Polycarp’s School have a vacancy for a Foundation Governor at the School.  If you are interested please contact the School direct

Farnborough Hill Open Day: Friday 8th February 2013

(For more information please see Church Notice boards)

Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Lourdes Pilgrimage

25th July – 2nd August 2013 – (for details see Church Notice boards)

Date for DiarySaturday 9th Feb Join fellow parishioners for a Parish Games Afternoon at Holy Family. Timing: 2pm for 2.30pm finishing at 5pm for a ‘fish and chip’ supper.  The afternoon has been designed by our Confirmation and Youth group and any surplus funds will be donated to their chosen charities.  Tickets cost £7 for an adult and £3 for a child’s ticket.  Do come and join in and have some fun.

Women’s World Day of Prayer – 1st March, 2013 (further information to follow)

Prayer Group:  The Prayer Group for both Holy Angels and HolyFamilyChurches will take place once a month on a Tuesday. Anyone is welcome.

Next dates:  5th February, 5th March and 2nd April

Holy Family Church Catholic Parish Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

Mother and Toddler Group – Holy Family Parent & Toddler Group will re-open on Thursday 17th January. It will be co-ordinated by Joy Appleton 07796 692609

Holy Family Disabled Toilet and Porch Extension Project and Last Supper Window

We are delighted to be able to tell you that the Finance Committee received at very short notice the recommendation of our Architect, Ralph Ball of Charter Design and found nothing to hinder our submission of the Tender by Prestige Buildcare Ltd and so the Diocese has given consent to the appointment of Prestige Buildcare for the project.

The work is estimated at £68,610.76 with VAT where appropriate (facilities for the disabled are zero rated).

The work is due to start on the 28th January 2013 and should be completed by the 15th June – an estimated 20 weeks.  Further information will be published as it becomes available.  We hope the building work will not inconvenience people and would like to express our thanks to all who have supported this project.

Holy Angels  Catholic Parish for Ash, Nr. Aldershot,  Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Churches Together Afternoon Tea: TODAY at 3.00pm in St. Mary’s Room, Holy Angels.  If you feel like some friendly company and a chat over Tea, please do come along, you will be made to feel welcome.

Mother and Toddler Group – Meet Tuesdays in St. Mary’s Room from 10.30am until 12.00pm.


Please make an appointment to see the Priest/Deacon to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s baptism.

Prayer Requests

Please continue to remember in your prayers:  Robert Edwards, baby Rosie Partridge and Daniel. (We pray Lord for their complete recovery. Amen)

Message from Father David

The week of Prayer for Christian Unity this year began on Friday, 18th January.  At. Holy Angels on the 18th Prayers were said for all the Christian Communities in our Parish.  This Tuesday at Holy Family Church we will be hosting a Prayer Meeting followed by a simple lunch for all the Church Ministers in our area.  Last Tuesday, I was treated to lunch by one of our local Church Ministers (so there are some advantages for me in observing the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity! TODAY we as a parish will be joining with Christians from many different denominations for a United Service which this year is at St. Thomas on the Bourne at 3pm.  I do hope that many of us from our parish will be able to come along and share in this special annual event.

The Week of Prayer began officially in 1908 as the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity although several Christian groups had kept times of special prayer that the church might be one day united again some time before then.  Father Paul Watson, a Franciscan Friar proposed the dates for the week of prayer for Christian Unity.  Pope Pius X officially blessed the idea of a Week of Prayer.  In 1941 the Faith and Order Conference of Non-Catholic Churches made a very positive move for unity in adopting the same time of special prayer for Christian Unity approved by Pope Pius X.   1968 saw the first official use of a prayer service prepared jointly by all the churches.  This year’s order of service has been prepared by an ecumenical group in South India.  The text is taken from Mica 6 v 6-8.  “What shall I bring to the Lord, the God of Heaven, when I come to worship him?  The Lord has told us what is good.  What he requires of us is this:  To do what is just, to show constant love, and to live in humble fellowship with our God.

Gift Aid – Thank you to those who have recently joined the Gift Aid Scheme to recover the Tax paid on offerings to the Church.  It is a great help to our Parish especially with repairs and also Pastoral projects, like the First Holy Communion and the Confirmation Course.

St. Valentines DayThursday, 14th February There will be a Special Mass at Holy Family Church, Farnham at 7.30pm for married couples. This is an opportunity for you to give thanks for the chance meeting that brought so many couples together and not only love but the common sense that has kept so many of them together. Also an opportunity for you to invite your partner to share Valentines Day with you in a special way and perhaps they may take the hint and do something special for you on the day.

Special Ecumenical Event for your Diary:
St. Mary’s Church, Ash Vale
have offered to join us for Mass at 7.30pm on Ash Wednesday the first day of Lent.  We will join together for the beginning of Mass and the giving of Ashes.  After the short Homily Parishioners from St. Mary’s will retire to the Hall for their Communion Service and we will join together after Communion for the Blessing.  Everyone is invited to a Cheese and Vegetarian Supper in the Hall after the Mass.  I hope as many as possible will make a special effort to join us for this Ecumenical occasion.  (If you have a partner or friend who is an Anglican but does not live in St. Mary’s Parish they are very welcome to come along and join in with the group from St. Mary’s.

Today’s Gospel

Today’s Gospel is about a wedding in Cana where Jesus changed water into wine.  There are many things in our spiritual lives that should be changed.  Jesus’ power is available to us too.  Let us reflect on our need to be changed.


Jesus brought the wine of God’s love into the world.
Everywhere he went the old was made new.
For the couple at Cana he changed water into wine.
For the widow of Nain he changed tears into joy.
For zacchaeus he changed selfishness into love.
For the thief on Calvary he changed despair into hope.
And on Easter morning he changed death into life.
Lord, be present with us today and throughout our lives.
And when through human weakness
the wine of love is found wanting,
touch our hearts and strengthen our wills,
so that we may taste the wine of unselfish love.