
9th March, 2013 – Sunday Vigil Mass

HOLY ANGELS CHURCH is open Monday – Friday
9am – 1.00pm
For Visits and Prayer.



Times of Mass and Devotions

Sat   9 Mar  5.30pm HA Vigil Mass Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
Sun 10 Mar   9.15am HF Fourth Sunday of Lent Henry Savidge (RIP)
   11.00am HA   Jimmy & Michael Cash (RIP)
    3.00pm HF Stations of the Cross  
Mon  11 Mar     NO MASS  
Tue  12 Mar   9.30am HF Fourth Week of Lent  Quinn, Mace and Pearson Family (RIP) Nov. List
Wed 13 Mar   9.30am HA Fourth Week of Lent  Eric Lamport (RIP) November List
Thu  14 Mar   7.30pm HF Liturgy of the Word (Deacon John Edwards)  
 Fri   15 Mar    12.00pm HA Fourth Week of Lent  Abrew and Morgan families (RIP) Nov. List
    7.00pm HA Stations of the Cross  
Sat  16 Mar   5.30pm HA Vigil Mass  Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
Sun  17 Mar   9.15am HF Fifth Sunday of Lent  Special Intentions of Valerie Anderson
  11.00am  HA    Chris Barnham and Walter Dunphy (RIP)
    3.00pm HF  Stations of the Cross  
    3.00pm HA First Holy Communion For children who will be away when the main 1st Communions take place this June.


Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Holy Angels, Ash: First Friday of month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass
Holy Family, Farnham:  First Thursday of month after 7.30pm Evening Mass
Special Services with Confessions at both Churches for Advent and Lent

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday at Holy Family @ 7.00pm (in Church Hall)

 (Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm)

                        Please note:  HF = Holy Family, Heath End, Farnham and HA = Holy Angels, Ash


Second Collection

There will be a second collection next Sunday, 17th March,  for the Easter Flowers.



Theme:  The Lord Welcomes All.

Entrance:     HA:  51   HF: 51 Mothers Day Hymn 
Offertory:     HA: 880  HF: 684 Tell out my soul
Final Hymn: HA: 807  HF: 602 Praise my soul

Mother’s Day Hymn

When the Angel came to Mary
Telling her she soon would be
Mother of our loving Saviour
Christian Mother first was she.

Bless all mothers, guard and keep them
Safely in your loving care.
Give them health and understanding
To fulfil their calling fair.

On this Mother’s Day we thank you
For our mothers one and all
For the love and care they give us
this their greatest gift of all.

In our joys and in our sorrows
days of toil and hours of ease
Mothers share both care and pleasures
helping us with all our needs.



St. Mary’s Ash Vale have asked if we would be willing to share our annual Two Parishes summer garden party with them.  They do not have the grounds that we have so the event would need to be held in the garden at Holy Angels.  It would then be a Three Parishes Garden Party which they suggest could end with an outdoor Songs of Praise (the bar-be-que providing the aroma not of incense but of other things)

First Holy Communion – There will be a First Holy Communion Class on Saturday, 16th March, 9am at Holy Angels followed by Sacrament of First Reconciliation.

Holy Angels Gift Shop – will now be open the First Saturday (after 5.30pm Mass) and First Sunday in the month after the 11am Mass as well as at other times as published.

All places for the St. Patrick’s Day Dinner have now been taken.

Confessions before Easter – Saturday, 23rd March12pm Penitential Service (confessions) + Benediction at Holy Angels

Sunday, 24th March – 3pm Stations followed by Benediction and Confessions at Holy Family

Thursday, 28th March (Maundy Thursday) 9pm – 10pm.


HolyFamilyChurch Catholic Parish Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

Churches Together in Farnham Walk of Witness on Good Friday, 29th March. Meet at the top of the Hart, Farnham (nr. Entrance to Waitrose Car Park) 11.45am for 12 noon start. All Welcome. (Please see the Churches Together website for other events)


Holy Angels  Catholic Parish for Ash, Nr. Aldershot,  Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Gift Aid Envelopes – will be available at the back of the Church shortly.

Police Coffee Afternoon – Thursday, 21st March

Our local Police in Ash will be holding a Coffee afternoon at Holy Angels Church in St. Mary’s Room between 3pm – 4pm. Please come along and get to know your local Officers who will be happy to discuss any concerns or issues you may have.

Our local Police will be using our Holy Angels forecourt also on Thursday 21st March for road safety training for primary school children.



Please make an appointment to see the Priest/Deacon to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s baptism.


Prayer Requests

Please remember in your prayers our sick: Barbara mother of Sharon O’Brien and Mary Dzwig, mother of Father Paul.


Message from Father David

This weekend we celebrate Mother’s Day.  The idea of a day honouring the vocation of motherhood is not new.  In Europe the Sunday nearest the Feast of the Annunciation (25th March) when we celebrate Mary’s call to be the first Christian mother has for centuries been a day of consciousness of the vocation of Motherhood in the Catholic Countries in Europe.  The modern day preparation of Mother’s Day stems from an interest in 19th Century to have a special day to focus on the importance of motherhood and family life and like Christmas has been seen by some as an opportunity for business.  Today, whatever the origins and background, no matter how commercial an opportunity those in business see it as, we as Christians will probably get more out of Mother’s Day as we see it as an opportunity to celebrate the Christian vocation of Motherhood and its contribution to family life.

Just so that some of our male parishioners don’t feel totally ignored this weekend we remind you that Father’s Day in the UK is on the 3rd Sunday of June (16th June this year).

There are about 150 Cardinals who are now meeting in Rome to elect the new Pope.  They are now engaged in a series of preliminary meetings so that they can get to know each other and will have a better idea of who they are voting for.  The voting is expected to start this coming week and the Cardinals are optimistic that there will be a new Pope ready to take up office in time for Palm Sunday.

There has been great speculation (and betting) throughout the world on who will be the new Pope, but past experience tells us that those the Press think are the front runners usually do not get elected.  My only inside information is that it will be a man with two ears and two eyes!!! Be prepared for a pleasant surprise.

As we focus on Lent and on the Passion of Christ (and I must say I am very impressed with the increased numbers at daily Mass during Lent).  We also have at Holy Family the opportunity to reflect on the beautiful three quarter Life size Pieta which is currently being restored in the Church Grounds.  The Pieta is a sculpture of Mary holding the body of Jesus when it was taken down from the Cross; it was made in 1977 by Michael Clark, the son of the famous Philip Lindsey Clark.  We are so fortunate to have such inspiring works of art – thanks mainly to Father Quinn.

There were lots of lovely and appreciative comments about the Moira Forsyth Last Supper window last Sunday.  When Farnham has its ArtTrail weekend perhaps we could share these wonderful works of art with our wider community.

Please remember the people of Syria at this sad time for them.  There are now over one million refugees living in tents and difficult conditions.  We have had two fund raising events so far to help.  If you have any ideas (Concert, Car Boot, Jumble Sale, Sponsored Car Wash etc) please let me or Deacon John know.

Thanks to the ladies from Holy Angels and Holy Family who supported our two local area Women’s World Day of Prayer Services.


To our many readers who view the Newsletter on the internet – it is encouraging to know that Parishioners who have moved to other parts of the country and others keep contact with us through the weekly newsletter.

Next Sunday, St. Patrick’s Day at 3.00pm at Holy Angels we have 11 children taking their First Holy Communion as they will be away when the First Holy Communions take place in June this year. Please pray for these children.

Blessings for the coming week. Father David