
6th July, 2013 – Sunday Vigil Mass


Times of Mass and Devotions

Sat 6 July 5.30pm HA  Sunday Vigil Mass Stan Everard (RIP) 
Sun 7 July 9.15am HF   Gloria Craven (RIP)
  11.00am HA   Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
Mon 8 July     NO MASS NO MASS
Tue 9 July     NO MASS NO MASS
Wed 10 July 9.30am HA Liturgy of the Word  
Thu  11 July 7.30pm HF NO MASS NO MASS
Fri     12 July  12.00pm HA Liturgy of the Word  
Sat    13 July  5.30pm HA Sunday Vigil Mass  
Sun   14 July 9.15am HF Fifteenth Sunday Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
  11.00am HA   Margaret Best (RIP)

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Holy Angels, Ash: First Friday of month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass
Holy Family, Farnham:  First Thursday of month after 7.30pm Evening Mass
Special Services with Confessions at both Churches for Advent and Lent

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday at Holy Family @ 7.00pm (in Church Hall)

 (Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm)

                        Please note:  HF = Holy Family, Heath End, Farnham and HA = Holy Angels, Ash


Second Collection

There will be a Special Collection next week 14th July  for Apostleship of the Sea.

The Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) is the official maritime welfare agency of the Catholic Church in Great Britain.  The Apostleship of the Sea reaches out to seafarers visiting our ports, offering pastoral and practical support and care.  AoS is wholly dependent on voluntary donations to continue its work of bringing the love of Christ to seafarers in the name of the Church, recognising them as our brothers and sisters in need.

Sea Sunday is your chance to help AoS make a real difference to the lives of seafarers. Everything AoS does is on behalf of Britian’s Catholic community.  The parish will take up a second collection on Sea Sunday for the work of AoS – so please give generously.  Its ministry cannot continue without your support.  For more information on the work of AoS please visit ther website at



14th Sunday of Year

Entrance:    HA:  864  HF:  227 God’s Spirit is in my heart
Offertory:   HA:  898   HF: 478 Make me a channel
Final Hymn: HA: 722   HF: 190 Give me joy

This week’ Saint:  

On Thursday we celebrate the Feast of St. Benedict.  The Patriarch of Western monasticism was born at Nursia, in central Italy, about 480.  In his youth, seeing the corruption of the world, he left home to live a hermit’s life of penance and prayer in a cave in the mountain of Subiaco, near Rome, where he was instructed in Christian spirituality  by St. Romanus, a hermit of the vicinity.

His reputation for sanctity gathered a large number of disciples around him, for whom he erected monasteries in which they lived a community life under a prescribed rule.  In the year 529, he left Subiaco for Monte Cassino, and there founded the great Abbey which became the center of religious life in Europe.

Our nearest Benedictine community today is in Farnborough, namely St. Michael’s Abbey.  The small community is known for the quality of its liturgy, which is sung in Latin and Gregorian Chant, its pipe organ, and its liturgical publishing and printing.  It is also the national shrine of St. Joseph.

The Abbey was founded in 1881 by the Empress Eugenie (1826 – 1920)  as a mausoleum for her late husband Napoleon III (1808 – 1873), and their son the Prince Imperial (1856 – 1879), who after one of the many French Revolutions had been thrown out of France and were invited by Queen Victoria  to come to England to live.   Both Napoleon and Prince Imperial rest in the Imperial Crypt, along with Eugenie herself, all in granite tomb provided by Queen Victoria.

Ash also has an ancient connection to this Saints way of life, as Ash originally belonged to Chertsey Abbey which was founded in 666 by Erkennald a Bishop of London.  In the 9th Century during a Viking Raid, the Abbot of the Monastery and 90 monks were murdered and in the 10th Century Athelwald, Bishop of Winchester sent 10 monks to re-found the Abbey in 964 and the Abbey continued until it was closed by Henry VIII.



Please make an appointment to see the Priest/Deacon to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s baptism. If you are new to the Parish, please complete pink Registration Form  and make yourself known to Father David or Deacon John after Mass.


Prayer Requests

Please remember in your prayers our sick:
Barbara mother of Sharon O’Brien, Jordan, Sis. Bernadette and Olivia Peck.

Please remember in your prayers  all those who are sick in our two Parishes and for any family members or friends in need of our prayers. Thank you.


Two Parishes Prayer Group

The prayer group for both Holy Angels and HolyFamilyChurches takes place once a month on a Tuesday. The next Prayer Group meetings are as follows:

10th September, 8th October and 5th November at 7.45pm in Parish Office at Holy Angels.



Grandparents’ Pilgrimage – Saturday, 13th July from 11.00am until 4.30pm. (For more details please see poster on Church Noticeboards)


Holy Family Church Catholic Parish Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

Mother and Toddler Group – Our Mother and Toddler Group meet every Thursday morning from 9.30am until 11.30am in the Church Hall


Holy Angels  Catholic Parish for Ash, Nr. Aldershot,  Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Mother and Toddler Group – St. Mary’s Room on a Tuesday, from 10.30am until 12.00pm. 


Father David’s Message

This week we have seen further unrest in the world.  Syria has been a worrying problem for sometime and now we are watching and praying that all works out well and peacefully for the people of Egypt.

People in the parish and in our two churches have been asking recently “what can we do to help the Syrian Refugees?”.  We have had several fundraising events over the past year our two parishes have been supporting CAFOD in their work for Syrian Refugees.  It may be helpful to have a small group of people from our two Churches who might like to meet from time to time to see what more can be done.  We have two Churches with halls and car parking;  perhaps a Concert, Car Boot or Jumble Sale or a Supper Evening?  If you have any ideas please see Father David or Deacon John.

I would like to thank the organizers of Thursdays Fashion Show at Holy Family.  A number of you have told me how much you enjoyed the event.  When I looked in during the preparations there was a great buz of activity.  Well done to all concerned.

Thursday also provided another surprise.  I stayed around at Holy Family just to see if anyone did turn up for Mass even though we had said it would be postponed due to the Fashion Show.  It was a good job I did as a number of people turned up for Mass.  The new Children’s Chapel was full and there were extra seats in the Porch.  Some had come especially to pray for the situation in Egypt.  I was very pleased to see how well the Chapel suited our need for a smaller area for Mass and how attractive it looked when the candles were lit for Mass.

At Holy Angels a young teenager has offered to help by playing the organ.  He already has reached a good standard.  However, playing on your own can be a little different than playing for people.  We desperately need to reform our singing – music group at Holy Angels.  If you can help by singing (being able to read music is not essential but having a good ear for a tune is)  Please contact Father David as soon as possible.  It is important that young people with talent are given support and encouragement in developing their talents in the parish.


A Prayer

Even before Christianity came into the world men have always believed that the four greatest virtues are Wisdom, Courage, Justice and Self-Control.  Let us ask God to help us to have them in our lives.
O God, help me to have in my life the virtues which all men value and admire.
Give me wisdom always to know What I ought to do;
What I ought to say;
Where I ought to go.
Give me courage,
to do the right thing when it is difficult;
If need be, to be laughed at for my faith;
Never to be ashamed to show my loyalty to you.
Give me justice,
Always to be fair in thought and word and action;
Always to think of the rights of others as much as of my own;
Never to be content when anyone is being unjustly treated;
Give me self-control,
Always to have my impulses, passions and emotions under perfect control; Never to be swept into doing things for which I would be sorry;
Never to do anything which would hurt others, grieve those who love me, or bring shame to myself.
Hear this my prayer for your love’s sake. Amen.