
18th May, 2013 – Sunday Vigil Mass


Times of Mass and Devotions

Sat   18  May  5.30pm HA Sunday Vigil Mass Monsignor Can Timothy Rice (RIP)
Sun   19 May  9.15am HF   Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
  11.00am HA  Pentecost Sunday Special Intentions of Pope Francis
Mon  20 May     NO MASS  
Tue  21 May  9.30am  HF MASS Special Intentions of John and Ann Edwards
Wed 22 May 9.30am HA Week 7 in Ordinary Time The McCrow family (RIP) November List
Thu 23 May 12.00pm  HA Funeral of Mary Court  (RIP)
   7.30pm HF Week 7 in Ordinary Time John and Alice Lewis (RIP) November List
Fri   24  May  12.00pm HA Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion (Deacon John)  
Sat 25 May 5.30pm HA Sunday Vigil Mass Pelix Sequeira (RIP)
Sun 26 May 9.15am HF The Most Holy Trinity Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
  11.00am HA   Arthur Roberts (RIP)

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Holy Angels, Ash: First Friday of month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass
Holy Family, Farnham:  First Thursday of month after 7.30pm Evening Mass
Special Services with Confessions at both Churches for Advent and Lent

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday at Holy Family @ 7.00pm (in Church Hall)

 (Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm)

                        Please note:  HF = Holy Family, Heath End, Farnham and HA = Holy Angels, Ash


A Prayer Before Mass

Dear Lord, it is not always easy to think of You in this busy world in which we live.
My time is often taken up by my work or the attention I have to give to others.  Today, Lord, I have come here to be close to you in a very special way.
Help me now to free my mind of those things that have kept me from thinking of You during the past week.
Help me to realise that You have invited me here today so that You may come to me in Holy Communion.
Give me the grace to prepare for the coming week, so that each day we may be together in our love for each other.
Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen



Pentecost Sunday

Entrance: (see leaflet)
Offertory: (see leaflet)
Final Hymn:  HA: 771   HF: 914
The Spirit lives ..

There is a blessed Pentecost Candle available for every home in the Parish.  Please take one as you leave (and also one for anyone you know is house bound).  The Candle is for you to place on the table as a sign of God’s blessing upon your home and family through the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.



Annual General Meetings for both Churches:

At 7.30pm in the respective Church Halls


Holy Family: Wednesday, 12th June, 2013
Holy Angels:  Wednesday, 19th June, 2013



Please make an appointment to see the Priest/Deacon to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s baptism. If you are new to the Parish, please complete pink Registration Form  and make yourself known to Father David or Deacon John after Mass.

Once you have met with Father David or Deacon John You will be asked to attend a Baptism Class.  The next Baptism Class is on10th June at Holy Angels in St. Mary Room from 7.45pm for 8.00pm start– 9.00pm. Also Father David asks that parents obtain the booklet entitled, ‘Your Baby’s Baptism’ available on line from Redemptorist Publications, Shawton, Alton, Hants. Tel: 01420 83255 Email:

Also for the Godparents, the booklet ‘Your Godchild’ ISBN: 978-0-85231-364-0) again available from details above.


Prayer Requests

Please remember in your prayers our sick:

Gloria Craven,  Maggie, Larkin, Barbara mother of Sharon O’Brien, Jordan, Sis. Bernadette from Shanklin on the Isle of Wight, Anna Schimmel sister of Lisa De’Jesus who is recovering after a premature birth and for her baby Joseph in special care – we pray for them both. Repose of the souls of David Luck and Mary Court.

Prayer Groupfor both Holy Angels and Holy Family Churches takes place once a month on a Tuesday. The next Prayer Group meeting is on Tuesday 4th June and 2nd July, 2013. Please come along as and when you can and you will be made to feel most welcome. Coffee at 7.30pm for 7.45pm start to be held in the Parish Office.


Holy Family Church Catholic Parish Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

Mother and Toddler Group – Our Mother and Toddler Group meet every Thursday morning from 9.30am until 11.30am in the Church Hall


Holy Angels  Catholic Parish for Ash, Nr. Aldershot,  Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Funeral of David Luck

David Luck’s Requiem Mass will take place at St. Mary’s, Aldershot (Belle Vue Road, North Town) at 12 noon on Friday, 24th May.  Father David will be representing Holy Angels and concelebrating at the Mass.  There will be a Parish Mass of Remembrance for David Luck at Holy Angels on 16th June at the 11am.

Mary Margaret Court has sadly died.  We offer an assurance of our prayers and our condolences to her family.  The Requiem Mass will be at Holy Angels Church next Thursday, 23rd May at 12 noon.  A Parish Mass of Remembrance for Mary will take place on Saturday, 22nd June at 5.30pm at Holy Angels Church.


First Holy Communion Mass at Holy Family:

Saturday, 15th June, 9.00am – 10.15am Class/Rehearsal children only
MASS: Saturday, 15th June, 2013 at 1.00pm


First Holy Communion Mass at Holy Angels:

22nd June,  9.00am – 10.15am Class/Rehearsal children only.
MASS: Saturday, 22nd June, 2013 at 1.00pm

(You are welcome to attend either of these Saturday Masses. Please pray for our children.)




Our young people will be taking their Confirmation on Saturday, 25th May at 11am at St. Josephs, Guildford. Please remember our young people in your prayers.

Mother and Toddler Group – St. Mary’s Room on a Tuesday, from 10.30am until 12.00pm.  Please see our colourful new Poster displayed on the Notice board which has been very kindly designed and produced by one of our new Mum’s, Laura McHugh for which we are most grateful.


Ordinary’ Time (by Deacon John)

With the celebration of Pentecost, in Red vestments, symbolising fire (used also for the Passion, Palm Sunday and Feasts of the Martyrs, symbolising blood) we come to the end of 14 weeks of various preparations and celebrations. We started with Lent, Purple vestments, our season of preparation, and moved into Easter, when we use white to symbolise our celebration of the Resurrection.
We now move into ordinary time when we use Green vestments. Green is the colour of life and I feel is very pertinent for our Church of today. With our new Pope, Francis, there can be no better time to step out and show that we, the Church and Body of Christ are full of life.
It is very misleading to call the season we are now entering ‘Ordinary’ time. It seems to smack of unimportance. We need to reflect on what ‘ordinary’ life is for a Catholic Christian.
At Pentecost we celebrate again the coming of the Holy Spirit on the disciples, men and women, gather in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak foreign languages.” Acts 2:v4. We too have all been filled with the Holy Spirit at our Baptism and subsequent Confirmation. We are topped up, so to speak, with the grace of Christ’s Spirit in the receipt of any of the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist.
In John’s gospel Chapter 14:v12 we read: “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” This applies to each and every one of us. This is what ‘ordinary’ life is for us!
With the echoes of our Pentecost readings in our minds and the promise that Jesus made to His disciples before His death, resurrection and ascension into heaven (above). I once again challenge us all to look at how we “go out and Glorify the Lord by our lives”
For those of you who use the weekday missal as of Monday we will be in week seven ordinary time, year 1. If you use the daily prayer of the Church (the office or breviary) Psalter week 3. However we will not see an Ordinary Sunday until 9th June when it will be 10th Sunday in Ordinary time, as we have Trinity Sunday and Corpus Christi on the preceding Sundays.


A Prayer After Mass

Dear Lord, the time has come for me to face again the challenges in my daily life and in the world in which I live.
Be with me each day in all I think or do or say until we meet again in this glorious Sacrament of your love.
Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen