
25th May, 2013 – Sunday Vigil Mass


Times of Mass and Devotions

Sat   25  May  5.30pm HA Sunday Vigil Mass Pelix Sequeira (RIP)
Sun   26 May  9.15am HF The Most Holy Trinity Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
  11.00am HA Pentecost Sunday Arthur Roberts (RIP)
Mon  27 May     NO MASS  
Tue  28 May  9.30am  HF Liturgy of the Word Deacon John  
Wed 29 May 9.30am HA Liturgy of the Word Deacon John  
Thu  30 May     NO MASS  
Fri    31  May  12.00pm HA The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary The Michie Family (RIP) November List
Sat    1 June 5.30pm HA Sunday Vigil Mass Lillian Bray (RIP)
Sun   2 June 9.15am HF The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – Corpus Christi Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
  11.00am HA   John Ades (RIP)

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Holy Angels, Ash: First Friday of month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass
Holy Family, Farnham:  First Thursday of month after 7.30pm Evening Mass
Special Services with Confessions at both Churches for Advent and Lent

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday at Holy Family @ 7.00pm (in Church Hall)

 (Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm)

                        Please note:  HF = Holy Family, Heath End, Farnham and HA = Holy Angels, Ash



Holy Trinity


Entrance:  HA:  708  HF: 257  Holy God we praise thy ..
Offertory:  HA720   HF:   72 Be still for the presence
HA:  468   HF: 259 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God

One of the most popular songs of recent times has come from the animated film The Lion King. It’s called “The Circle of Life”.  The song celebrates the fact that there is an inter connectedness between every aspect of life and creation.  It also tells of how we will probably never be able fully to appreciate that: “From the day we arrive on the planet and, blinking, step into the sun, there’s more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done.”  In short, the song helps us appreciate that life and our being are a mystery that cannot be easily explained.  There will always be more than we can see, touch or understand.

As a working definition, this would be a good one for the word “mystery”.  A mystery is not an unfathonable puzzle; rather it is a thing to be lived and experienced.  The whole of life is therefore a mystery, a wonderful unfolding of things not immediately apparent or obvious.  God, the creator of life, is certainly a wonderful mystery and that’s what we celebrate today.



Corpus Christi Next Sunday Angelika Bydlinski will be making her First Holy Communion. We will be celebrating the transferred Feast of Corpus Christi.  Last years First Holy Communion children are invited to come to church in their First Holy Communion dresses or suits and join the Priest in the entrance procession and sit together at the front of the Church to celebrate the First Anniversary of their First Holy Communion.  Some of the children may have the opportunity to read a Bidding Prayer – whichever Mass you go to, 5.30pm, 9.15am or 11am.  If you are celebrating the First Anniversary of your First Holy Communion go to the Sacristy before Mass for the procession.  If you would like to read a Bidding Prayer see Fr. David or Deacon John this Sunday.


Annual General Meetings for both Churches:
At 7.30pm in the respective Church Halls

Holy Family: Wednesday, 12th June, 2013
Holy Angels:  Wednesday, 19th June, 2013



First Holy Communion Mass at Holy Family:

Saturday, 15th June, 9.00am – 10.15am Class/Rehearsal children only
MASS: Saturday, 15th June, 2013 at 1.00pm

First Holy Communion Mass at Holy Angels:

22nd June, 9.00am – 10.15am Class/Rehearsal children only.
MASS: Saturday, 22nd June, 2013 at 1.00pm

(You are welcome to attend either of these Saturday Masses. Please pray for our children.)


Congratulations:  to the young people from Holy Angels Church and Holy Family church who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday.  These young people have put a lot of time into preparing for Confirmation and are a credit to our parish and our two Churches.  We, as a parish, are particularly grateful to those who have supported these young people in their preparation for Confirmation, and although there are many, including their parents, a special thank you must go to those who have planned the course and organised the events.  Gloria Benson, Hilary Gray, Lorraine Brown and Deacon John.

Confirmation Party:  8th June 3.00pm – 5.00pm in the Garden of the Priest’s House at Ash. Bouncy Castle, Ice Cream, Soft drinks and some food.  Music and garden skittles.  Parents and Friends welcome.  If you want to bring any food for a picnic or to share please do so.


Fashion Show at Holy Family Church Hall on Thursday, 4th July at 7.30pm

J&P ladies will be selling tickets for the Fashion Show after Mass for the next couple of weeks at Holy Family and Maggie Batchelor will be doing the same at Holy Angels.


200 Club:  Since the two Churches (Holy Angels and Holy Family) have had one Priest, one Newsletter and shared First Communion and Confirmation Programmes, people from both areas have been attending Mass at both Churches depending on what plans they have for the weekend and which time suits them best.  The 200 Club would like to be able to allocate any profits from the Club to whichever of our churches you feel most closely associated with and so the new requests for information now contain a space for you to say which church you wish to support through the 200 Club.  The 200 Club is a bit like the Premium Bonds.  You join and then just sit back and wish for luck.  Enquiry forms are available at the back of Church today.


Gift Aid:  Thank you to those who have joined the Gift Aid Scheme to support our two Parishes.



Please make an appointment to see the Priest/Deacon to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s baptism. If you are new to the Parish, please complete pink Registration Form  and make yourself known to Father David or Deacon John after Mass.

Once you have met with Father David or Deacon John You will be asked to attend a Baptism Class.  The next Baptism Class is on10th June at Holy Angels in St. Mary Room from 7.45pm for 8.00pm start– 9.00pm. Also Father David asks that parents obtain the booklet entitled, ‘Your Baby’s Baptism’ available on line from Redemptorist Publications, Shawton, Alton, Hants. Tel: 01420 83255 Email:

Also for the Godparents, the booklet ‘Your Godchild’ ISBN: 978-0-85231-364-0) again available from details above.


Prayer Requests

Please remember in your prayers our sick:
Gloria Craven, Maggie Larkin, Barbara mother of Sharon O’Brien, Jordan, Sis. Bernadette from Shanklin, Isle of Wight and for those sick in our two Parishes.

Prayer Group– for both Holy Angels and Holy Family Churches takes place once a month on a Tuesday. The next Prayer Group meeting is on Tuesday 4th June and 2nd July, 2013 & 7.45pm in Parish Office at HA’s.


Holy Family Church Catholic Parish Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

Mother and Toddler Group – Our Mother and Toddler Group meet every Thursday morning from 9.30am until 11.30am in the Church Hall


Holy Angels  Catholic Parish for Ash, Nr. Aldershot,  Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Thank you! A special thank you to Anne McHale who has played the organ for many years at Holy Angels and been a valuable member of the choir.  Anne now has a home in Wales (which is a bit too far for her to come every Sunday, so although we will see her from time to time when she is back in the area with family, she will not be available to play on a regular basis.  This Sunday we would like to say a big thank you to Anne and to say we look forward to seeing you whenever you are in the area.

Keyboard Player or Organist Needed: Would be even better if we had several people to share the task.  (Would not expect volunteers to be available every week – but would be grateful for when you are available.  Guidance and tuition available if necessary.  Organ and piano keyboard available.  Please see Father David, Deacon John or Christina Allgood if you would like to know more.  It is a great gift to God if you have the talent to help encourage others to sing praise in honour of God.

Coronation Picnic at St. Mary’s Church, Tongham

Our Parishioners have been invited by Rev. Claire Holt to join them to share in a Coronation Picnic at the Vicarage on 2nd June at 4pm. Please bring your own picnic although drinks will be provided. Sophie and George Terzis will be representing Holy Angels on the day. (For more details  please see poster on Church Notice Board)

Mother and Toddler Group – St. Mary’s Room on a Tuesday, from 10.30am until 12.00pm. 

PLEASE NOTE: Father David will be on a Retreat this week so on Tuesday at Holy Family and Wednesday at Holy Angels there will be a Liturgy of the Word by Deacon John Edwards and Holy Communion.  There will be NO MASS at Holy Family on Thursday