
21st September, 2013 – First Mass (Twenty Fifth Sunday of the Year)


Times of Mass and Devotions

Sat   21 Sep 2.30pm HA Baptism of Erin and Darcey Slowey  
  5.300pm HA First Mass Special Intentions of Fr. Paul Dzwig
Sun  22 Sep 9.15am HF Twentieth Fifth Sunday Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
  11.00am HA   Special Intentions of Iole Marantzano
Mon  23 Sep     NO MASS NO MASS
Tue  24 Sep  9.30am  HF Week 25 in Ordinary Time Sister Mary Edmond (RIP)
Wed 25 Sep 9.30am HA Week 25 in Ordinary Time Dec’d members of the Sudbury family (RIP) November list
Thu  26 Sep   7.30pm HF Week 25 in Ordinary Time John & Margarite Lewis (RIP) Nov. List
Fri    27 Sep 12.00pm HA St. Vincent de Paul Dec’d members of the Lee family (RIP) Nov. List
Sat   28 Sep 5.30pm HA First Mass Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
Sun  29 Sep 9.15am HF Twenty Sixth Sunday Special Intentions of the Smith family
  11.00am HA   Ann Clements (RIP)

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Holy Angels, Ash: First Friday of month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass
Holy Family, Farnham:  First Thursday of month after 7.30pm Evening Mass
Special Services with Confessions at both Churches for Advent and Lent

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will commence on Wed. 4th Sept at Holy Family @ 7.00pm (in Church Hall)

 (Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm)

                        Please note:  HF = Holy Family, Heath End, Farnham and HA = Holy Angels, Ash


Special Collection

Next week will be a collection for CAFOD Harvest Fast Day (Envelopes available from this Sunday please take one on the table at the back of both Churches)



25th Sunday of Year C

Entrance:          HA: 706  HF: 608 Praise the Lord
Offertory:          HA: 972  HF: 147 Do not be afraid
Final Hymn: HA:  770 HF: 388 Shine Jesus, Shine


Holy Family Church Catholic Parish Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

Harvest Thanksgiving 29th September – Farnham Foodbank

Below suggested items to choose from:-

Sponge Pudding (Tinned), Vegetables (Tinned), Meat (Tinned), Pasta, Instant Mash, Rice Pudding (Tinned), Fruit Juice (Long Life), Sugar (500g Packets), Chocolate, Fish (Tinned),  Baked Beans, Biscuits or Snack Bars, Tomatoes (Tinned), Fruit (Tinned), Milk (UHT or powdered), Pasta Sauces.


Babysitter wanted!

 We have lost all our babysitters to university so we  need to recruit another. If you are interested in babysitting for 1 well behaved  11yr old   – occasional weekdays and weekend evenings  please contact me (Sue 07899 868739).

Church Garden Meeting: Wed, 25th Sept. 8pm.
A reminder to those who already look after part of the garden or grounds at Holy Family (to whom we are very grateful) and anyone who would like to be involved in working in the garden that there will be a meeting for you to decide what you would like to do with the garden in the future. (The meeting is only for those who have time to help maintain the Church garden for God)

Mother and Toddler GroupMeet every Thursday morning from 9.30am until 11.30am in the Church Hall (during school term)

Tuesday 1st October ASSIST Songs of Praise
A service of celebration for the International Day for Older Persons  at the United Reformed Church on South Street, Farnham, at 3pm on  The service will last approximately one hour, and afterwards there will tea and cakes, to which everyone is invited to stay.

Holy Angels  Catholic Parish for Ash, Nr. Aldershot,  Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Harvest Thanksgiving 29th September

All items provided for the Harvest Thanksgiving next Sunday, 29th September will be donated to the Ash Food Bank. (Please refer to the list of suggested items listed under the Holy Family Section)

Ministers of Holy Communion – Are there any Eurcharistic Ministers who would be able to help out with taking Communion to a few of our housebound parishioners as we are in need of more volunteers or if you are not already a Minister of the Eucharist but are CRB checked and would like to be trained please see Father David.

Bernard Berry (RIP)
Bernard’s funeral will take place at Holy Angels Church on Monday, 30th September at 11.00am followed by a burial at Ash Cemetery.  (Rita has asked that rather than flowers, if people would like to make a donation to The Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice in Farnham this would have been what Bernard would have wanted having worked at the Hospice himself for a while)



Prayer Group – for both Holy Angels and Holy Family takes place once a month on a Tuesday.  The next dates are as follows: 8th Oct and 5th November, 2013. Coffee at 7.30pm for 7.45pm start. To be held in the Parish Office


Jubilee Small Group Leaders’ Training

Part 2 of the Golden Jubilee initiative entitled “The Divine Word” – will be held at St Dunstan’s Woking next Wednesday, 25 Sept from 7.30 pm. There may be some parishioners who are interested.
(for more information please see poster on Church Notice Boards)


The Discussion Groups will be re-assembling this Autumn and the date will be given next week.  For anyone who would like to join one of the Discussion Groups which will give an opportunity to make new friends in the Parish as well as deepen our faith.

First Holy Communion – Following the success of last year’s Catechism classes, the Catechist Team is looking to expand and is seeking additional volunteers who would like to get involved in this really rewarding and engaging work. We currently have a team of 3 who run the classes to prepare them for their First Holy Communion in a number of ways. Sessions include prayer, interactive craft and games, scripture work and discussion. If you would like to find out more about helping with Catechism, please contact:


Confirmation 2014 – An enquiry for anyone out there in our parishes who would be eligible and would like to be confirmed next year.  Candidates have to be YR 9 and above.  We would not normally put a programme on for any number less than 10 so we need to know who would be interested.  [Please contact or speak to Fr David or Deacon John.



Baptism Courses: Monday, 11th November, 2013 Please make an appointment to see the Priest/Deacon to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s baptism. If you are new to the Parish, please complete pink Registration Form and make yourself known to Father David or Deacon John after Mass.


Prayer Requests

Please remember the sick  in your Prayers, Sheila Bone, David Morgan and Edd Turnell.    Thank you.

Please also remember in your prayers Bernard Berry (RIP) and his family at this sad time also Gerard (known as Gerry Fyfe) who sadly passed away on the 11th September aged only 65 years.  Let us pray for Gerry’s family at this sad time. Gerry’s funeral will take place at Holy Angels on Wednesday, 2nd October, 2013 at 12.00pm followed with cremation at 1.15 at AldershotRedanRoadCemetery.

If you would like prayers for friends or family members, please first check with that person that they are happy for their name to be mentioned in the weekly Newsletter.



A Daily Inspiration

Arguing; It’s a waste of time (A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger)Proverbs 15:1 DO YOU sometimes find yourself saying, “I get so angry when they refuse to listen to my viewpoint?  How can I make them listen and hear what I am trying to say?” Unless you’re involved in an official debate, arguing with someone who is unwilling to listen is useless and a waste of time.  State your viewpoint with clarity and purpose, but don’t become defensive and argumentative if it’s not received.  You will only hurt yourself and the relationship if you become argumentative.  Don’t allow anyone to draw you into strife or arguing.  Hold your tongue, and try to remember these words of wisdom: ‘A gentle anger turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.  The tongue of the wise makes knowledge acceptable, but the mouth of a fool spouts folly’. (Proverbs 15:1-2) (Taken from The UC Word for Today)


A Prayer

Lord, pick me up and put me together again. Sometimes things become unbearable, and being with (you know who) brings out the worst in me. Help me.  Forgive my resentment and sharp reactions.  Free me from endless churning over arguments in my mind.  Stay at my centre, Lord, and let nothing take from me that inner point of sanity, where I am known by you and not condemned (from The Book of a Thousand Prayers)

Note from Father David

Thank you to Father John Nuttall and Fr.Aidan Rossiter for kindly covering the Masses whilst I was on holiday for which I was most grateful.