12th October, 2013 – First Mass (Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time)


Times of Mass and Devotions

Sat   12 Oct 5.30pm HA First Mass Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
Sun  13 Oct 9.15am HF Twenty Eighth Sunday For our young people going to Universiy for the first time
  11.00am HA   Matilda Roberts (RIP)
Mon  14 Oct      NO MASS  
   2.00pm HA Baptism of Tyler Jack Gibson  
Tue  15 Oct  10.30am  HF  St. Teresa of Jesus Teresa Garcia (RIP)
Wed 16 Oct 9.30am HA  Week Twenty Eight Special Intentions of Connie Tewkesbury
Thu  17 Oct  7.30pm HF  NO MASS  
Fri    18 Oct 12.00pm HA  Liturgy of the Word Special Intentions of Molly Llanwarne
Sat  19 Oct 5.30pm HA First Mass Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
Sun 20 Oct 9.15am HF Twenty Ninth Sunday The Westgate Massacre in Kenya
  11.00am HA   Special Intentions of Evelyn Gorniok

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Holy Angels, Ash: First Friday of month after 12pm Lunchtime Mass
Holy Family, Farnham:  First Thursday of month after 7.30pm Evening Mass
Special Services with Confessions at both Churches for Advent and Lent

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday at Holy Family @ 7.00pm (in Church Hall)

 (Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm)

                        Please note:  HF = Holy Family, Heath End, Farnham and HA = Holy Angels, Ash


Second Collection

There will be a second collection next Sunday, 20th October forMISSIO – World Mission Sunday.




28th Sunday of Year C
Theme: Thanking God

Entrance:          HA: 880  HF: 684 Tell out my soul
Offertory:          HA:  719 HF: 745 To God by the glory
Final Hymn: HA:  945 HF: 512 Now thank we all our …



The Triangle Book Shop and Café:

All business are struggling at the moment including The Triangle Book Shop and Café so why not try and help support them by giving them a visit when you are next in Farnborough. Why not pop in and have a browse or simply treat yourself to a cup of coffee and slice of homemade cake?

The Triangle 64 Kingsmead, Farnborough, Hants, GU14 7SL. Telephone: 01252 519172 Fax 01252 549220.Email:admin@thetriangle.org.uk


Prayer Group – for both Holy Angels and Holy Family takes place once a month on a Tuesday.  The next date is the  5th November, 2013. Coffee at 7.30pm for 7.45pm start. To be held in the Parish Office


Children’s Liturgy Group – I would like to thank our dedicated volunteers who organise the Children’s Liturgy on Sundays at both Churches.   They do a great job.


Last Sunday there were 26 under 5’s in the Hall at Ash for the first part of Mass.  The volunteers at Ash have asked me to let parents know that they are always welcome to use the Hall during Mass after the Offertory when the children return to the Church.

As many of you with young children know we are delighted to welcome children and we know that sometimes parents need some time out of the main church during Mass so that is why we have set aside some personal space in the porches of both churches where the Mass is relayed on a T.V. screen.

Parents may also like to know that there are baby changing facilities in the porches of both Churches.

On the Ecumenical Front – I had an Invitation to join the Anglican Bishop of Guildford for one of his retirement lunches last Tuesday.  I thanked Bishop Christopher on your behalf for his encouragement in Ecumenism and said that we hoped retirement would bring him new and exciting challenges and we wished him well.

Important: – All key holders at both Holy Angels and Holy Family.  We need to bring our list up to date for Insurance and Security reasons.  If you hold a key to either of the Churches, please either call Rita in the Parish Office or send her an email so that we can confirm the current list of Key holders.  If you used to hold a key and do not need one now, or don’t have a key but need one for the voluntary work you do in the Parish, please let Rita know.


Requests for the names of those you wish to be remembered in the Masses during November are available at the back of both Churches today.  Please place them in an envelope together with any offering you wish to make marked NOVEMBER HOLY SOULS.  The envelopes will be opened by Father David so if you have any other special requests for prayers these also may be included.  The envelopes may be placed on the regular collection plate any Sunday before 1st November or handed into the Parish Office.

Saturday, 19th October is the Feast of St. Philip Howard one of the patrons of our Cathedral and Diocese.


Holy Family Church Catholic Parish Farnham, Hale, Weybourne & Badshot Lea

Gardening Day – Saturday, 19th October from 9am until Lunch Time. 
Many thanks to those who have volunteered and we invite anyone else who would like to join us on the 19th October (Many hands make light work)  If you can please bring a spade or fork that would be useful.  A few wheelbarrows would also be helpful.


Diocesan Jubilee Discussion Group

Is to be held at Ann Martindale’s on Monday (All are welcome)


Mother and Toddler GroupMeet every Thursday morning from 9.30am until 11.30am in the Church Hall (during school term)


Holy Angels  Catholic Parish for Ash, Nr. Aldershot,  Ash Vale, Tongham & Normandy

Christian Gift Stand

Last Sunday many people were pleasantly surprised to discover that we have a well stocked Christian Gift Stand.  I would like to thank Judy and her husband who have taken over organizing the stand from Brenda and Peter Sawyer who did an excellent job.  The present team asked if they could experiment with a glass cupboard for a few weeks before meeting to discuss how we could make people more aware of the gift stand, so during the next few weeks you may see it in several positions.

Prayer Books, Crucifixes, Bibles, Statues and First Communion and Christening Gifts can be an important reminder in our homes of God’s love for us.

Wanted: Hi Fi unit for the Hall.  If anyone is technically adventurous and deicing to ditch an old Hi Fi Unit with a CD Facility, several parish groups that use the hall could make good use of it.  Please see Fr. David or let the Parish Office know if you think you may be able to help.

Diocesan Jubilee Discussion Group – Thursdays in the Parish Hall.  Please contact Richard Brennan or the Parish Office fur further details.

Mother and Baby Group: Is held every Tuesday at 10.30 in St. Mary’s Room.  If you have a young baby or toddler and fancy an hour to relax over a cup of coffee and a biscuit why not come along.


Baptism Course: Monday, 11th November, 2013 Please make an appointment to see the Priest/Deacon to discuss what you need to do to prepare for your child’s baptism. If you are new to the Parish, please complete pink Registration Form and make yourself known to Father David or Deacon John after Mass.


Prayer Requests

Please remember the sick in your Prayers, Sheila Bone, Barbara O’Brien, David Morgan and Edd Turnell.    Thank you.

If you would like prayers for friends or family members, please first check with that person that they are happy for their name to be mentioned in the weekly Newsletter.


Today’s Gospel

Another Story: One day David gave alms to a poor man he met on the street.  As he walked away he began to glow with self-satisfaction.  But then a shadow passed over him – he remembered that the poor man hadn’t thanked him.  Later he related the incident to his rabbi.  The rabbi listened patiently, then said, “How did you feel when you gave the alms?”
“I felt very pleased with myself,” David replied.
“Wasn’t that sufficient reward for you?”
“I still think he might have thanked me,” David persisted.
“Surely you don’t want to be thanked for behaving as a religious man should?  By the way, did you thank God?”
“For what?” asked David in surprise.
For giving you an opportunity of being an instrument of his love towards a fellow human being”, came the reply.


A Reflection on today’s Gospel

Once there was a young man who had never thought of donating blood.  But then his father got very ill and was hospitalised. 
One day the son was sitting by his father’s bedside as he was getting a blood transfusion. As he watched the blood flowing into his father’s veins, he suddenly realised that someone had donated the blood that was now keeping his father alive.  Straight away he made up his mind to become a donor and he was as good as his word.
Many are willing to avail of the generosity of others, but few are willing to give something back.  This is why gratitude is so important.  It makes us want to give something back.