25th April, 2015 – Vigil Mass (Fourth Sunday of Easter)


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Times of Mass and Devotions

HA = Holy Angels Church, Ash GU12 6LU   HF = Holy Family Church, Farnham GU9 0LH

Sat  25 Apr   5.30pm HA Vigil Mass  Mary & Newton Abrew & family in Thanksgiving
Sun 26 Apr   9.15am HF First H.C. Children’s Mass  A Special Intention
  11.00am HA  Fourth Sunday of Easter  Grahame Roberts (RIP)
Mon 27 Apr   NO MASS  
Tue 28 Apr   9.30am HF Tuesday after the Fourth Sunday of Easter  A Special Intention
Wed 29  Apr   9.30am HA Wednesday after the Fourth Sunday of Easter  
Thu 30 Apr   6.15pm HF  Adoration  


HF Thursday after the Fourth  Sunday of Easter  
Fri    1 May  10.00am HA St. Joseph the Worker
Sat   2 May   2.00pm
Baptims of Eruka Keira Okonkwo
Vigil Mass
Ollieseme Fasyana (RIP)
Sun  3 May    9.15am

Fifth Sunday of Easter
Baptism of Mila Handem
Special Intentions of the people of the Parishes
Caroline Johnson (RIP)


Special Collection


Bishop’s Collection for Education of Future Priests

The Bishop has instituted a collection for the education of future priests to be taken up on 26 April this year.

At present, the Diocese has four men in training to the priesthood attending our seminaries at St John’s in Wonersh and the English College in Rome. It takes six or sometimes seven years for a student to be ordained to the priesthood. This long training period allows time for a student to fully discern his vocation and decide whether to proceed to ordination – a lifelong commitment. The training is not solely academic; one full year is spent in a parish on pastoral work. In addition students work part time in parishes and schools during their stay at the seminary.

Higher education is expensive and the total cost of training one man to the priesthood is about £140,000. In 2014 the total cost for our students was £157,000. Without a doubt it is money well spent. New priests are essential to the continuing development of the Church in our Diocese, so please help by giving generously to the Education of Future Priests collection. Your donation can also be Gift Aided and the tax rebate benefits your parish.


Collections for 19th April, 2015

Holy Angels:                £224.94

Holy Family:                £310.00



Step by Step

Thank you, on behalf of everybody at Step by Step, for your kind donation of £20 and the large bags of Easter Eggs for our residents.

With over 1,000 vulnerable young people and their families accessing our services now each year, your support is vital. You are ensuring we can still continue to offer family mediation, drop in advice and information services, specialist counselling and safe, clean, smart accommodation. Our training services help young people to learn life skills, be healthy, manage a budget and secure education and employment.

With 92% of young people progressing or stabilising during their time with us, your support is turning young lives around – it’s what Step by Step is all about.

Thank you again for your support. Every £1 counts towards helping as many young people as possible.
(Jenny Jackson – Fundraising Team)


Prayer Group: takes place once a month on a Tuesday in the Parish Office at Holy Angels Church at 7.30pm for a 7.45pm start.
Next meeting: 12th May, 2015


A & B Diocesan Golden Jubilee – Sunday 5th July Coaches will be provided for this event. A list is available at the back of both Churches for people to sign if they are wishing to travel by coach. Please sign the form as early as possible as we need to book the coaches well in advance of this event. With thanks.



Prayers for the sick: Deacon David Morgan, Newton Abrew, Connie Tewkesbury, Jane Brown and Sharon (sister of Marian Grannell) Tina Coleman, Carole Appleton and Louise. Thank you.



Baptism forms are available at the back of both Churches. Parents will need to attend an evening Baptism course. Please return your completed Baptism Form to Deacon John Edwards so that you can be included in the next Course.


Holy Angels

200 Club Winners         (March 2015 Draw)

1st Prize           Ticket No:        55         Mrs C A Gray
2nd Prize           Ticket No:        60         Mrs C A Gray
(Joint prize)     Ticket No:        63         Mrs C A Gray

Contact: Paul Tremlett
Phone:   01483 810086 Mobile: 07899750949
Email:    paulwtremlett@btinternet.com


Picture Sale: Father David left behind a number of pictures. Rather than simply dispose of them it may well be that members of the parish might like one as a memento of their Priest. The pictures will be available on Sunday, 3rd May which is also the first Sunday in the month when there will also be Coffee and Tea provided. (If there is something that you would like a donation towards Church Funds would be appreciated)


Holy Family

Holy Family Annual General Meeting:

Will take place on Thursday 30th April after the 7.30 Mass. Reports will be circulated beforehand. If there are any suggestions you would like discussed please give them to Deacon John or Florence Graham. This will be an opportunity to offer Fr. Robin your ideas for the future of our Parish. Next year we will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of our church, any thoughts on how to celebrate this also welcome.


General Election Guidance letter

With only two weeks left before the General Election, please do not forget to read a copy of the guidance letter for Catholic voters issued by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, Copies are still available in the narthex. One of the things that Catholics are urged to consider when casting their vote, is what priority each candidate places upon marriage and family life, along with life issues. Although it sadly looks as though the issue of abortion will not be up for negotiation within the next Parliament, it seems certain that another attempt is going to be made to change the law to allow euthanasia, or assisted dying. The right to life is the most fundamental human right of all, therefore it is important to find out how the local candidates would vote on this, which will be a matter of personal conscience and not party policy.


Monday 27th April 2015

National Day of Prayer & Fasting For Life

On Monday 27th April, the 47th anniversary of the legalisation of abortion, please pray and fast for the end of abortion and euthanasia. Your prayer and fasting is urgently needed. Pray especially that ‘bubble zones’ will not be introduced around abortion ‘clinics’.

For information on the day of Prayer and Fasting contact;

The Good Counsel Network on 020 7723 1740.

Join us each month in Prayer and Fasting:


Fast from all food except bread and water for the day

Or: Fast from a particular food or luxury, e.g. chocolate, alcohol, cigarettes, TV.

Fast from whatever you can given your state of health etc, but make sure it is something that involves a sacrifice to yourself.


We are asking people to say a Rosary (or an extra Rosary if you say it daily already).

You could also offer an extra effort such as going to Mass (or an extra Mass) on the day, or going to Adoration. These are all appropriate May devotions.