13th December, 2014 – First Mass (Third Sunday of Advent)

3rd Sunday of Advent


Times of Mass and Devotions

HA = Holy Angels Church, Ash GU12 6LU   HF = Holy Family Church, Farnham GU9 0LH

Sat   13 Dec   5.30pm HA First Mass – Fr. John Nuttall Connie Tewkesbury (sick)
Sun  14 Dec   9.15am HF Third Sunday of Advent Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
  11.00am HA   Sunday of Advent Paul Tremlett (sick)
Mon  15 Dec     NO MASS  
Tue  16 Dec   9.30am  HF Liturgy of the Word  
Wed 17 Dec   9.30am HA Liturgy of the Word  





 Advent Reconciliation


Thu  18 Dec   6.15pm HF Adoration  


HF Liturgy of the Word  
Fri    19  Dec     NO MASS  
Sat   20  Dec   5.30pm HA First Mass – Fr. John Nuttall  Special Intentions of Rob & Marie Faul
Sun  21 Dec   9.15am HF Fourth Sunday of Advent  Special Intentions of the people of the Parish
   11.00am HA    Father Jim Martin (RIP)


Collections for 7th December, 2014

Holy Angels Offertory:                          £244.91
Standing Order for November:        £960.00
Holy Family Offertory:                          £204.60



Presbytery: We are emptying the Priest’s House in readiness for Robin, Caroline and their family and there is a washing machine and tumble drier which we need to find a good home for as this is not required. (If you are interested please contact the office by Wednesday, 17th December a reasonable donation would be appreciated)



Churches Together Christmas Day

On your own on Christmas Day?

Churches Together in Farnham invite you to join them for Christmas Day Lunch. (NO CHARGE) You are warmly welcomed to a traditional Christmas Lunch with all the trimmings at 1 o’clock on Christmas Day at Brightwells Gostrey Centre, East Street, Farnham. (To book a place, please ring Mariola Boyd 01252 716 785 or Michael McDonnell 01252 712 600 Before Friday, 12th December. Transport provided if required.)

Volunteers to help with Christmas Day Lunch for people who would otherwise spend the day on their own. The event takes place as above on Christmas Day. (For more information, [please see the Poster at the back of the Church)


Prayer Requests for the sick: Deacon David Morgan, Newton Abrew, Michael Brandon, Patrick Quinn, Maureen Cosgrove, Sean Flynn, Connie Tewkesbury, and Paul Tremlett.

We pray for all those in our two Parishes who are sick and need our prayers at this time.


Holy Family

Carols by Candle-light in St. John the Evangelist

You are invited to Carols by Candle-light in St. John the Evangelist at 4:00 pm this afternoon Sunday 14th December.

Also next Friday 19th Carols around the Christmas Tree at Hale Institute by the Hale Options project at 6:30 pm and we have been invited to sing Carols in the Alma pub from 7:30 pm for an hour (making a collection for our charitable works ‘Disability Africa’ and our Tanzanian Youth venture). More info from Deacon John.

Christmas Art Work: We are hoping to continue with our Christmas Art Work this weekend which we hope will be ready for the 20th December. (Please come along if you have some spare time)


Holy Angels

Advent Reconciliation at Holy Angels, Ash

Wednesday 17th December: From 6:45 pm followed by Mass at 7:30 pm.

Treasurer: Rob Faul has unfortunately decided to stand-down from his role as Treasurer of the Finance Committee at the end of January for personal reasons. We would like to thank Rob for his service over the last four years which has been very much appreciated. This will mean that we shall require a new treasurer as part of the finance team. You don’t have to be an accountant but you will need to be good with figures. (If you are interested please contact Tim Flesher or Deacon John)

Children’s Liturgy Update: Children’s Liturgy at Holy Angels is held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.  We are still in need of catechists who would be happy to lead a session.   If you can help us, please contact Bec Newey on 07854 231469 or johnandbec@ntlworld.com

Prayer Group: takes place once a month on a Tuesday at Holy Angels Church in the Parish Office: 7.30pm for 7.45pm start. Next dates are: 13th Jan, 2015 and 10th Feb, 2015.


 Christmas Masses

Christmas Eve @ Holy Family Church, Farnham

5:30pm        Family Mass for both Parishes.
(Fr. John Nuttall)

There will be a Children’s Tableau as part of the Christmas Eve Mass at 5.30pm at Holy Family this year.  All children from both parishes are welcome.  Two children will be chosen to be Mary and Joseph who will lead the procession (costumes provided).  If you would like to put your child forward for either part please forward your child’s name and age and your contact details to Julie Mulhern at julie_pettigrew@hotmail.com or Suzanne Anderson at scanderson28@yahoo.co.uk. The draw for Mary and Joseph will take place during the week commencing Sunday 15th December.  All other children are invited to dress up as Shepherds, Angels, etc.  There will be a liturgy and activities downstairs for the first part of the Mass.  

Christmas Day @ Holy Family Church, Farnham

9:15 am       Mass of Christmas Morning (Fr. Aidan Rossiter)

Christmas Day @ Holy Angels Church, Ash

11:00 am     Mass of Christmas Morning
(Fr. Aidan Rossiter)


Today’s Gospel Reading

John was the last and greatest of the long line of prophets who prepared the people for the coming of the Messiah. He was one of those selfless and courageous people who kept alive the hopes of the people during the long night of expectation, when it seemed that the dawn would never come.

And Jesus paid a great tribute to him. He said that John was no read swaying in the wind. In other words, he wasn’t easily influenced by prevailing trends and opinions. He was his own man – a strong personality and a man of principle. He devoted himself totally to the mission God gave him, which was to prepare the way for Jesus. Yet Jesus pointed out that, great as John was, he missed out on the greatest thing of all. He did not see the coming of the Kingdom of God. And now, instead of the bright, wide-open spaces of the desert, he found himself in a dark, narrow dungeon, awaiting death. There he was troubled by doubts. He wondered if Jesus really was the one who was to come. So he dispatched two of his disciples to find out. The truth of his life depended on a positive answer. A negative answer would mean he had wasted his time, and his life would lose all its meaning.

The answer came back: “Tell John that the blind see, the lame walk” In other words, look at the evidence, and draw the conclusion for yourself. The news must have been a great comfort to John. He could now face death. His life had not been in vain. Jesus sent him a personal message: “Blessed is the man who does not lose faith in me”.

We all have our own struggles. Life can become very dark at times. We do our best but things turn out badly. Hence, we all have our doubts. This is why we too need to hear the comforting words Jesus spoke to John: “Blessed is the person who does not lose faith in me.”

We should draw inspiration from John, who is a wonderful example of unselfish love. But it is in Jesus that our hope lies. He is the one who gives meaning to all our work and suffering, to our living and dying. He alone can fulfil our deepest longings. Blessed are we if we do not lose faith in Jesus. (Taken from a book by Flor McCarthy, SDB)


Update on Deacon Robin Farrow

Deacon Robin and his family will be moving into Ash on the 23rd December. Deacon Robin accompanied by his Mentor, Father Terry Martin, will be at all Masses the weekend the 3rd/4th January. It should be noted that until the beginning of January Deacon Robin is not performing any parish duties as the family will be settling into their new home.