25th October, 2014 – First Mass (Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time)


Times of Mass and Devotions

HA = Holy Angels Church, Ash GU12 6LU   HF = Holy Family Church, Farnham GU9 0LH

Sat  25 Oct  5.30pm HA First Mass – Fr. John Nuttall Walter Barr  (RIP)
Sun 26 Oct  9.15am HF 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fr. AdrianRossiter) Thanksgiving for the life of Don Bosco and for the 100th Anniversary of the work of Salesian Priests
  11.00am HA   William and Matilda Roberts (RIP)
Mon 27 Oct     NO MASS  
Tue  28 Oct  9.30am  HF NO MASS  
Wed 29 Oct 9.30am HA Liturgy of the Word  


Thu  30 Oct  6.15pm  HF Adoration  


HF Liturgy of the Word  
Fri   31 Oct     NO MASS  
Sat   1 Nov   5.30pm HA  First Mass – Fr. John Nuttall Mary & Gerald Leahy (RIP)
Sun  2 Nov   9.15am HF All Saints Margaret Bramble (RIP)
   11.00am HA   Father David Buckley (RIP)


Second Collection

Next Week there will be a Special Collection for The Retired Priests Fund

Collections for 12th October, 2014

Holy Angels Offertory:                          £ 260.25
Standing Orders (Sept)                          £ 905.00
Holy Family Offertory
:                          £ 224.87
Standing Orders (Sept)                          £1,017.00

Collections for 19th October, 2014

Holy Angels Offertory:                          £302.64
World Mission Sunday|:                       £212.98
Holy Family Offertory:                         £223.80
World Mission Sunday:                         £135.00




The Children’s Halloween Party has been Cancelled

Due to insufficient numbers it has been decided to cancel the Halloween party. This had been the idea of Father David, who at the time was very enthusiastic about doing this for the children, with the help of our youth group. We apologise to those children who may have been looking forward to this, but may be this is something we could think about doing next year.


Holy Souls:

Please note that as we now only have Mass cover at weekends and no Masses during the week, we are unable to have our normal Holy Souls Masses which would normally take place on around the 3rd/4th November, we have therefore made provision to have the Mass Intentions for All Holy Souls to be said on Saturday, 15th November and Sunday 16th November.

Slips are available in the Book of Holy Souls Remembrance Book. A book is available at the back of each respective Church. Please write the name of the deceased person you would like to be remembered in the Masses. The Remembrance Books will be placed on the altar at Holy Family on the 16th November at the 9.15am Mass and at Holy Angels on Saturday, 15th November and the 11am Sunday on the 16th November.


Prayer Group: takes place once a month on a Tuesday at Holy Angels Church in the Parish Office: 7.45pm for an 8.00pm start. Next Date is the 4th November


Prayer Requests for the sick

Deacon David Morgan, Newton Abrew, Linda Weston Michael Brandon, Patrick Quinn, Maureen Cosgrove and Sean Flynn.

We pray for all those in our two Parishes who are sick and need our prayers at this time.


British Heart Foundation Donations

The amount donated at Father David’s Vigil Mass and his Funeral amounted to £600.00. (Thank you to all those who kindly donated.)


International Supper:

Will take place on Saturday 29th November – Holy Angels after Mass.  This event is the brainchild of our young people who are fundraising for Karibu Nyumbani the orphanage built and run by Fiona Hendy in Tanzania.  We are planning a trip to the orphanage next summer to give some helping hands with the running of the place and looking after the children, animals and vegetable plot.  The fundraising is to help fund some of the cost of the travel for the young people, all adults will be self funded, and much needed funds for the orphanage.   The idea is that various international dishes will be provided as a buffet so parishioners and friends will have an opportunity of tasting different dishes from different countries.  Please do come along and enjoy the company of our young people and the tasty dishes that will be on offer.  Tickets are being sold at both churches over the coming weeks £8 adults and £5 children


Prayer for a New Bishop

Heavenly Father,
look with mercy on your people,
and grant us a new shepherd.
Help those who chose our bishop
to listen to the voice and guidance
of your Holy Spirit
and act for the good of your Holy Church.
Father, we ask this through
our Lord Jesus Christ
who lives and reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever.


Our Lady Assumed into Heaven
pray for us.

St. Philip Howard
Pray for us.


Father David Buckley (RIP) Obituary by the Isle of Wight

For those of you who may be interested a copy of an Obituary on Father David and written by a member of the congregation at St. Mary’s Church in Ryde on the Isle of Wight is displayed on both Church Notice Boards.


 Holy Angels

200 Club Winners (September 2014)

1st Prize            Ticket No:         68         Mr C Mann
2nd Prize            Ticket No:         137       Mrs G Benson
(joint Prize) Ticket No:   194       Mrs M Batchelor

Why not join the Club – Try your luck
Contact: Paul Tremlett
Phone: 01483 810086 Mobile: 07899750949
Email: paulwtremlett@btinternet.com


Preparation for Diocesan Jubilee 

Despite all that is happening at the moment preparation for the 50th Jubilee in 2015 continues. Put 5th July 2015 in your diary now. 

Part of that preparation is the study of Lumen Gentium. There is material available supported by a DVD. One small group is running at Holy Family (contact Ann Martindale). Is there anyone willing to run one at Holy Angels?  If you would like to study it individually booklets are available. Contact Deacon John or Rita.


Today’s Gospel

Today’s Gospel reminds us of the two great commandments: love of God and love of neighbour. Here in a nutshell we have the whole teaching of the Bible. The only real failure for a Christian is the failure to love.

Jesus said, ‘You must love your neighbour as yourself.’ Only when we accept ourselves as fundamentally good, and begin to love ourselves, will we be able to start loving other people as the Lord commanded.

Those who are filled with self-loathing and self-hatred are not going to be able to love others. They will project these feelings onto others. They will blame and castigate others for what they do not like in themselves.

An old man was sitting on a bench at the edge of town when a stranger approached. ‘What are the people in this town like?’ the stranger asked. ‘What were they like in your last town?’ replied the old man. ‘They were kind, generous, and would do anything for you if you were in trouble.’ ‘Well, I think you will find them much the same in this town.’

Some time later a second stranger approached the old man and asked the same question: ‘What are the people in this town like?’ And the old man replied: ‘What were they like in the town you have come from?’ ‘It was a terrible place,’ came the answer. ‘To tell you the truth, I was glad to get out of it. The people there were mean, unkind, and nobody would lift a finger to help you if you were in trouble.’ ‘I’m afraid,’ said the old man, ‘you’ll find them much the same in this town.’

The main point of this story is: We see other people not as they are but as we are. If we see people in a bad light, it is a sign that we are ill at ease with ourselves. A man who is not at peace with himself spreads a contagion of conflict around him.

You can’t fly without wings. You can’t grow without roots. We can’t offer warmth to others if our own fireplace is cold and empty. We can only love with the amount of love that is in us. Where there is no love, sow love, and you will reap love. Where there is no love, put love, and you will find love. (written by Flor McCarthy, SDB)